NAME TracePick DESCRIPTION This module is used to get pick information to send to the TraceLat and TraceInfo modules INPUTS Input Pick -- Pick Picked input from the render module. Select pick and user pick mode in the render. Place cursor on track and click left mouse button. Try to only chose one track at a time. WIDGETS TraceInfo -- Radio Box (Display Information only, Display hits on picked trace, Do not display trace, Reset display). This lets the user select what happens to the picked track. "Display information only" will cause information to appear in the TraceInfo window. "Display hits on the picked trace" will also put blue crosses on the hit points for that trace. "Do not display trace" is useful in eliminating traces which look strange because heavy curvature combined with a maxinum number of steps in a region without many detectors. The D0 geometry is especially prone to this effect. The symptom is tracks that look as if they were draw by a spirograph. "Reset Display" allows the user to undo the effects of the picking. OUTPUTS HepNumber -- Parameter Hep number of the track that was picked. Sent to TraceLat and TraceInfo TraceInfoOut -- Parameter Outputs the setting of the TraceInfo Widget to TraceLat KNOWN PROBLEMS Sending HepNumber and TraceInfoOut separately to TraceLat seems to cause multiple firing. Patience is required when using the pick option in this way. SEE ALSO TraceLat TraceInfo Render