Some notes on MCFAST
August 24, 1998
The Five things you really need to know
- usr_init.F - book histograms
- usr_analysis.F - do event by event analysis on reconstructed tracks.
- - list of generated particles.
- - list of reconstructed tracks. See below for details.
In the 3-momentum of each track is specified near
the production vertex of the track. For example,
consider the decay chain, B-> Psi K0S, Psi-> mu mu, K0s-> pi+pi^-.
The 3-momenta of the two muons will be specified near the
B decay vertex, while those of the two pions will be specified near
the K0S decay vertex. To be more specific, in a forward detector, like
BTeV, the z of the track is the z of the known production point and the
remaining track parameters are the x, y and 4-momentum of the
reconstructed helix at the point that it intersects this z.
In a central detector, such as CDF or D0, the point specfied by (x,y)
is the point of closest approach of the reconstructed helix to the
line which is parallel to the z axis and which contains the known
production point of the track; the remaining track parameters are the
value of z and of the 4-momentum at this point on the reconstructed helix.
Where are the include files?
Go to the example area and look at the file GNUmakefile.
There you will find lines of the form:
INC1 = $(MCFINC)/inc/event
INC2 = $(MCFINC)/inc/geom
where MCFINC is defined as $MCFAST_DIR/inc.
Check these areas to find the include files.
The two files
mentioned above are found in:
A general discussion on finding source files and include files,
and a description of some usefully searching utilities, is given
in "Find: The Mysteries Explained".
A Rough Outline of MCFAST
This outline ignores any simulation of calorimetry; that information is
in preparation. Also notice
that the control of vertexing is left up to the user.
- Do job initialization. This includes a call to usr_init.F.
- Read in the next event from the evgen output file.
This fills the common with the generator information.
- Trace every track through the detector and create a list of
hits on each track. This fills internal common blocks which
are not normally interesting to the user.
At present there is no simulation of errors in pattern recognition
and, therefore, the list of hits on a track is perfect.
Well, almost perfect; there is a simulation of efficiency.
- Run the trigger simulation. In the example this is a dummy.
- Call usr_analysis.F. The tracking reconstruction is done
inside usr_analysis by the call to trk_offline.
- trk_offline:
- looks at each track which was handled by the tracing code,
- demands a minimum number of hits on a track,
- kalman filters the track back to its starting point.
When a track has been successfully fitted, its track parameters and
covarinace matrix are loaded into the common
- When the command usr_kalman T has been given, the preceding
description is exactly correct. When that command has not been given,
the kalman filter only computes the covariance matrix, not the
track parameters. The track parameters are then computed by
smearing the generated values using the covariance matrix computed in
the previous step.
- A corollary of the previous point is the the chisq varaible in the
offline track common is only defined if use_kalman T has been
set. Otherwise it is undefined.
- At this point, we are back in usr_analysis.F, the simulation is
complete and the user can do his or her physics analysis using the
information in Make sure that your your
analysis code comes after the call to trk_offline!
- Get the next event.
- At the end of the job, the histograms are written out automagically.
A Rather Abbreviated Calling Tree
- $MCFAST_DIR/simulator/main_args.c
This is what the linker thinks is the main program. It is
just a wrapper to process command line arguments into a form
which can be understood by FORTRAN.
- $MCFAST_DIR/simulator/gen/src/main_fortran.F
This is what a physicist thinks is the main program.
Calls usr_init and calls mcp_analyze.
- $MCFAST_DIR/simulator/gen/src/mcp_analyze.F
This is the event loop. Calls usr_analysis.
Track representations.
STDHEP reports distances in mm but the MCFAST commons
report distances in cm! They agree on GeV/c for quantities with
dimensions of momentum. Also, check quantities before you use them
since some have never been filled - for example the chi2 of the
track fit is only filled if you have specified "use_kalman T"
in the command file.
MCFAST knows about three representations of tracks.
A point on the track and the 4-momentum at that point.
You can skip the next two if you are just doing physics
analysis; uses this representation.
A typical helical representation useful in solenoidal fields
which are parallel to the z axis.
Note that the curvature is the
CLEO curvature ( cu=q/2R), not the Trilling curvature (cu=q/R).
Also, the sign convention for the DCA and the parameter
ordering are the CLEO conventions - see the include file for
details. Also, representation is local, not
global as most people are used to. That is, track parameters
are described in a local coordinate system and the position of
the local origin
is carried along in the representation; the DCA, PHI0, and Z0
depend on the coordinate system.
A typical forward geometry representation for use in a dipole
field perpendicular to the z axis. See the include file
for details about sign conventions. Again this is a local
representation - the reference z is carried along with the
Utility Routines
The directory $MCFAST_DIR/simulator/util/src contains many
utility routines
to do such things as transform among the three track
representations, project tracks to cylinders, change the local
orgin to some new point, and so on. There are also routines
do compute such things as angles and pseudo-rapidty from a 3-momentum
and routines to compute errors on various quantities, given the
covariance matrix of a track.
Many of these routines are exercised in the
MCFast Advanced Examples.
There is a postscript document which describes the use of the
vertex-constraint and mass-constraint fitters.
Some of these routines are exercised in the
MCFast Advanced Examples.
When MCFast is run with decays in-flight turned on, it sometimes
complains about negative mass particles, usually pi0's.
This is due to precision problems in the hadronic event generators
and the problems are rare enough to be ignored. See the
evgen_notes .
When the problem occurs, the offending particle is simply treated
as stable and the program continues.
What are all of the DFLOAT things? MCFAST was written to be
switchable between real*4 and real*8. This is implemented
by defining the string DFLOAT to be either "double precision" or
"real". This is done in $MCFAST_DIR/inc/event/
and it is currently set to double precision.
In all of the MCFAST code, all of the floating point variables are
typed using DFLOAT. In a preprocessing step, before compilation,
the variable DFLOAT is expanded and the resulting file is sent to
the compiler ( the prepreprocessor is invoked on files with an
extension .F, but not on files with an extension of .f ).
Users are encouraged to also use this method. However the example
files may still have a few examples of hard coded typing.
Warning: When DFLOAT is expanded to "DOUBLE PRECISION"
it can shift the end of a long line past column 72. This
causes the fortran compiler to truncate variable names and to
produce unpredictable results. If one
is compiling with -u ( or implicit none ), then this will
normally be caught by the compiler.
One of the new features of MCFAST version v4_0 is a full
treatment of multiple scattering for hit generation. This is
enabled by issuing the command:
trace_integrated T
In the future this will be come the default. At present the
default mode of operation has trace_integrated F, in which
there is no multiple scattering for hit generation if the
detector contains both forward and central elements. In all
cases the tracks found in the offline track common do include
the mulitple scattering.
When filling histograms with calls to hf1, hf2, hfill, etc
remember that these take single precision numbers. Therefore
an explicit type conversion is needed when passing many MCFast
variables into hbook.
If you prefer, MCFast contains a double precision interface to
hbook, dhf1, dhf2 etc. However I recommend not paying the
overhead of the additional subroutine call.
The MCFast random number generator is seeded using the command ranseed
from withing the .cmd file. A value of 0 means that it is seeded from
the time of day. Other values are used as the seed; the seed
is 2 words long.
If qq is used within mcfast, it is seeded separately
from the MCFast random number generator; it is seeded from the time
of day when the first call to qq takes place. In the next release
of mcfast it will be possible to easily link in user supplied
random number generators.
Some of the example makefiles are distributed with the compile and link
options set to make the fastest executable possible. During
code development I strongly recommend modifying your makefiles adding the
compile options
-g -u -C and the link option -g. These do the following:
-g - build symbol tables for the debugger
-u - give compile time warnings of undeclared variables
-C - enable run time bounds checking
The variable ISTHEP in the include file "" tells whether
or not a particle has been decayed. If isthep(i).eq.1, then particle
i has not been been decayed. A number other than 1 indicates that
the particle has either decayed or interacted.
Occaisionally, particles such
as pi0's and K0S's are found to be stable when MCFast has finished!
These cases fall into two categories: 1) if the particle is the
daughter of some long lived particle and the decay vertex is outside
of the volume of the detector. 2) if the trace list or the stdhep
list have filled up then the remaining unstable particles cannot
be decayed.
Rob Kutschke