subroutine drawtraces ************************************************************************ * * drawtraces * * MCFAST Geomview graphics * * Draw traces from track propagation * ************************************************************************ implicit none #include "" #include "" #include "" #include "" #include "" integer lun, i, j, itk, ntk, npt, nsofar logical active_track record /color_s/ col * *------------------------------------------------------------------------ * if (.not.geomview_out) return lun = lungraph * *** are there traces? if (trace_num .eq. 0) then print *,'No traces, no trace graphics' endif * write(lun,'(a)') 'appearance {' write(lun,'(a)') 'linewidth 3' write(lun,'(a)') 'material { ka .7 }' write(lun,'(a)') '} # end appearance' write(lun,*) 'LIST' do itk=1,nhep ! loop over HEPEVT particles active_track = .false. nsofar = 0 do i=1, trace_num ! find trace points for this track if (trace_par(i).hep.eq.itk) then if (.not.active_track) then npt = 0 do j=1, trace_num ! find trace points for this track if (trace_par(j).hep.eq.itk) npt=npt+1 enddo active_track = .true. write(lun,*) 'VECT' write(lun,*) 1,npt,1 ! nline nvert ncolor write(lun,*) npt ! no. of vertices in polyline 1 write(lun,*) 1 ! no. of colors in polyline 1 endif write(lun,*) trace_par(i).w.x,trace_par(i).w.y, + trace_par(i).w.z nsofar = nsofar +1 if (nsofar.eq.npt) then call colortrk(trace_par(i).type,trace_par(i).hep,col) write(lun,*) col.r, col.g, col.b, 1. ! color for polyline 1 endif endif enddo enddo * end c $Id$ c $Log$ c Revision 1.1 2000/06/19 19:59:25 eugenio c Initial revision c c Revision 1.2 1997/04/04 20:29:58 garren c add rcs log line c