#if !defined(TRACING_USERSETTINGS_H) #define TRACING_USERSETTINGS_H // -*- C++ -*- // // Package: // Module: UserSettings // // Description: contains all user settable global tracing parameters // (The reason to put them in a class is to avoid name pollution.) // // To use "static " is ugly and dangerous (because can be // modified easily), but ok for now. // Usage: // To actually set them, edit USERSETTINGS.cc!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! // // Author: Martin Lohner // Created: Jan 23, 1997 // RCS(Id) // // Revision history // Julia Yarba, 7-23-97 : // added control of showering and hit generation in calorimeters // // // RCS(Log) // system include files // user include files #include "cc_fortran_types.hh" // forward declarations class UserSettings { // friend classses and functions public: // constants, enums and typedefs // parameters in user common block "trace_params.inc" static DFLOAT kSTEP_MAX_DISTANCE; //Max distance to take during step static DFLOAT kSTEP_MAX_ANGLE; //Max angle to take during step static DFLOAT kSTEP_MAX_DEDX; //Max Eloss during step static DFLOAT kSTEP_MAX_MSCAT; //Max MS angle to allow during step static DFLOAT kMAX_TURNS; // max number of turns static DFLOAT kMIN_KINETIC; //Stop tracing when E falls below static DFLOAT kMIN_BREMENERGY; // Min energy photon to emit for bremstr static MCFBool kDecayInFlight; //TRUE ==> do decays in flight static MCFBool kPairConversion; //TRUE ==> do pair conversions static MCFBool kMakeHits; //TRUE ==> make hits static MCFBool kMScat; //TRUE ==> use multiple scattering static MCFBool kEloss; //TRUE ==> use energy loss static MCFBool k2ndInter; //TRUE ==> use 2ndary interactions // Control of showering and hit generation in calorimeters static MCFBool kHitGenerationByShowers; // TRUE ==> generate hits in // "sensitive" volumes static MCFBool kShowerTransProfile; // TRUE ==> generate transverse // profile for showers, otherwise do only energy loss by a shower; // turns OFF automaticaly if hit generation is OFF static Real kThreshToStopShower; // % of init.energy at which // we stop tracing shower static Real kMinVisEnergy; // minimum energy visible in CALs static Integer kMaxShowerHitsPerStep; // maximum number of "showering hits" per step // (i.e. maximum numbre of portions energy deposited at each step // maybe subdivided into) // others that Martin finds useful // static DFLOAT kMAX_FLIGHT; //max fligh distance static DFLOAT kMAX_TIME; //nsec... static Integer kMAX_STEPS; // max number of steps overall per track // static DFLOAT kMAX_BEND=31; //radians .. 5 loops... static integer kMAX_INTER_STEPS; // max # of intermediate steps static MCFBool kAllowCurlers; //TRUE ==> allow curlers // constructor and destructor virtual ~UserSettings(); // member functions // const member functions // static member functions static UserSettings* instance(); protected: // protected member functions // Constructors and destructor UserSettings(); // protected const member functions private: // Constructors and destructor UserSettings( const UserSettings& ); // assignment operator(s) const UserSettings& operator=( const UserSettings& ); // private member functions // private const member functions // data members // static data members static UserSettings* m_instance; }; // ================================================================== // Comments, suggestions, get on line 1! // // $Id$ // $Log$ // Revision 1.1 2000/06/19 19:59:30 eugenio // Initial revision // // Revision 1.7 1998/11/20 23:47:41 mkl // switch Boolean to MCFBool to avoid clashes with other typedef-ed bool types // // Revision 1.6 1998/08/05 16:12:06 mkl // change some UserSettings defaults and now by default print when max # of steps or turns is reached // // Revision 1.5 1998/02/16 00:45:09 mkl // new 2ndary interaction user flag // // Revision 1.4 1997/07/24 22:05:48 yarba_j // added control for showering and hit generation in calorimeters // // Revision 1.3 1997/07/03 03:33:55 mkl // new approach: surfaces vs volumes; box tracing // // Revision 1.2 1997/03/15 19:02:23 mkl // moved src/tracing/Types.hh to inc/event/cc_fortran_types.hh. // fixed commend headers for .inc files from # to c. // // Revision 1997/03/14 22:52:33 mkl // Imported sources for Martin Lohner s new c++ tracing code // #endif /* TRACING_USERSETTINGS_H */