// -*- C++ -*- // // Package: // Module: AssociatedMaterial // // Description: implements material behavior (energy loss, MS, etc.) // for scatter surfaces (only!). // // Implimentation: // // // Author: Martin Lohner // Created: Jan 23, 1997 // RCS(Id) // // Revision history // // RCS(Log) // system include files #include #include // user include files #include "tracingCPPFlags.inc" #include "report.hh" #include "UserSettings.hh" #include "AssociatedMaterial.hh" #include "MCParticle.hh" #include "Medium.hh" // // constants, enums and typedefs // static const char* const kFacilityString = "Tracing.AssociatedMaterial"; // // static data member definitions // // // constructors and destructor // AssociatedMaterial::AssociatedMaterial( float radl=0, float dedx=0, float coll=0, float abs=0 ) : m_radiationLength( radl ), m_dedx( dedx ), m_collisionLength( coll ), m_absorptionLength( abs ) { } AssociatedMaterial::AssociatedMaterial( const AssociatedMaterial& material ) { *this = material; } AssociatedMaterial::~AssociatedMaterial() { } // // assignment operators // // const AssociatedMaterial& AssociatedMaterial::operator=( const AssociatedMaterial& ) // { // } // // member functions // // // const member functions // // clone operation AssociatedMaterial* AssociatedMaterial::clone() const { return new AssociatedMaterial(*this); } MCFBool AssociatedMaterial::interactWith( MCParticle& particle ) const { MCFBool statusOK = true; // do 2ndary interactions if wanted if( UserSettings::k2ndInter && collLength() > 0 && particle.isHadron() ) { statusOK = do2ndInteraction( particle ); if( false == statusOK ) return false; } // do energy loss and multiple scattering only for charged particles if( particle.isCharged() ) { if( UserSettings::kEloss || UserSettings::kMScat ) { // if not electron, do normal Eloss and MS if( ! particle.isElectron() ) { statusOK = doElossAndMScat( particle ); } // and bremsstrahlung for electron else { statusOK = doBremsStrahlung( particle ); } particle.addTrace( TraceType::kMSEloss ); if ( particle.pCurrentMedium()->pDetector() != 0 ) { // reset eta to corresopnd detector (bar.sil. problem) TraceStruct* tr = (TraceStruct*)&(particle.traceList().back().traceInfo()) ; int nTr = particle.traceList().size() ; for ( int itr=0; itr<3; itr++) tr->eta[itr] = particle.traceList()[nTr-1].traceInfo().eta[itr] ; } } else // signify that MSEloss was not applied! { #if defined(SPEED) // print dummy traces no more particle.addTrace( TraceType::kMSElossNOT ); #endif } } else if( particle.isPhoton() ) // for photons do pair conversions { if( UserSettings::kPairConversion ) { MCFBool statusOK = doPairConversion( particle ); } } else { #if defined(MKLDEBUG) /* mostly pi0 and K0 */ report( INFO, kFacilityString ) << "I(particle) am neither charged nor photon; what am I? " << "idhep=" << particle.idHep() << endl; #endif } return statusOK; } extern "C" { void wtk_mscat_( const WTrackStruct& w1, // input wtrack parms const DFLOAT& radl, // radiation length const DFLOAT eta[3], // direction cosines WTrackStruct& w2); // output wtrack parms void wtk_mscat_dedx_( const WTrackStruct& w1, // input wtrack parms const DFLOAT& radl, // radiation length const DFLOAT& dedx, // dedx for minI const DFLOAT eta[3], // direction cosines WTrackStruct& w2); // output wtrack parms } MCFBool AssociatedMaterial::doElossAndMScat( MCParticle& particle ) const { MCFBool statusOK = true; // assertions necessary for this routine assert( true == particle.isCharged() ); assert( false == particle.isElectron() ); DFLOAT elossMinIon = dedx(); DFLOAT radiationLength = radLength(); if( ! UserSettings::kEloss ) elossMinIon=0; if( ! UserSettings::kMScat ) radiationLength=0; // ugly fix in order to extract and use the correct eta // to the barrel silicon wafer if ( particle.pCurrentMedium()->pDetector() != 0 ) { DFLOAT eta[3] ; eta[0] = particle.traceList().back().traceInfo().eta[0] ; eta[1] = particle.traceList().back().traceInfo().eta[1] ; eta[2] = particle.traceList().back().traceInfo().eta[2] ; wtk_mscat_dedx_( particle.wtrack(), radiationLength, elossMinIon, &particle.traceList().back().traceInfo().eta[0], particle.wtrack() ); } else { wtk_mscat_dedx_( particle.wtrack(), radiationLength, elossMinIon, particle.eta(), particle.wtrack() ); } if( 0 == particle.wtrack().p ) { #if defined( MKLDEBUG ) report( WARNING, kFacilityString ) << "AssociatedMaterial::doElossAndMscat: particle " << particle.hepIndexF() << " lost too much energy -- stopping." << endl; #endif particle.setStatus( MCParticle::STOPPED ); } return statusOK; } extern "C" { void wtk_mscat_brem_elec_( const WTrackStruct& w1, // input wtrack parms const DFLOAT& radl, // radiation length const DFLOAT eta[3], // direction cosines const DFLOAT& minBremEnergy, // minE for bremphoton WTrackStruct& w2 // output wtrack parms ); // create bremstrahlung photon from bremming parent integer trk_brem_photon_( const integer& hep, // hep # of parent const WTrackStruct& wtrack_brem,// photon trackparms const PathStruct& path ); // path info void wtk_photon_brem_( const WTrackStruct& wtrackElectronIn, const WTrackStruct& wtrackElectronOut, WTrackStruct& wtrackBremPhoton ); } MCFBool AssociatedMaterial::doBremsStrahlung( MCParticle& particle ) const { MCFBool statusOK = true; // assertions for this routine assert( particle.isElectron() == true ); // is electron; make brem event and add photon to HEPEVT list DFLOAT elossMinIon = dedx(); DFLOAT radiationLength = radLength(); if( ! UserSettings::kEloss ) elossMinIon=0; if( ! UserSettings::kMScat ) radiationLength=0; // first see how much we can make electron suffer const WTrackStruct wtrackBefore = particle.wtrack(); wtk_mscat_brem_elec_( particle.wtrack(), radiationLength, particle.eta(), UserSettings::kMIN_BREMENERGY, particle.wtrack() ); // if we did in fact lose energy, add new photon to hep list and initialize its // track parameters const WTrackStruct& wtrackAfter = particle.wtrack(); if( wtrackAfter.p < wtrackBefore.p ) { // fill photon track parameters WTrackStruct wtrackBremPhoton; wtk_photon_brem_( wtrackBefore, wtrackAfter, wtrackBremPhoton ); // add photon to hep list (with hep as its parent), created at path info int status = trk_brem_photon_( particle.hepIndexF(), wtrackBremPhoton, particle.path() ); if( status != 0 ) return( statusOK = false ); } // check if electron lost all energy if( particle.wtrack().p <= 0. ) { #if defined( MKLDEBUG ) report( WARNING, kFacilityString ) << "AssociatedMaterial::doBremsStrahlung: electron " << particle.hepIndexF() << " lost too much energy -- stopping" << endl; #endif particle.setStatus( MCParticle::STOPPED ); } return statusOK; } extern "C" { integer trk_trace_gamma_( const integer& hep, // particle hep number const PathStruct& path, // path info const WTrackStruct& wtrack, // track parms const integer& typeOfSurface,// r- or z-plane const integer& planeNumber, // number of plane integer& convert ); // conversion? y=1, no=0 } MCFBool AssociatedMaterial::doPairConversion( MCParticle& particle ) const { MCFBool statusOK = true; // assertions for this routine assert( particle.isPhoton() == true ); // make sure we're NOT already at the showering stage in the calorimeter // for this particle! if( !particle.showeringHasStarted() ) { integer didItConvert; // the following few lines are VERY UGLY, because they break the design, // but to avoid having to rewrite trk_trace_gamma.F const Medium* medium = particle.pCurrentMedium(); assert( medium != 0 ); integer typeOfPlane = medium->typeOfSurfaceF(); integer planeIndex = medium->commonIndexF(); // try conversion // if there is a conversion, this routine will actually add an e+e- pair // to he hep list by calling trk_pair_convert() integer status = trk_trace_gamma_( particle.hepIndexF(), particle.path(), particle.wtrack(), typeOfPlane, planeIndex, didItConvert ); if( status != 0 ) // check status { report( ERROR, kFacilityString ) << "doPairConversion: can't make conversion" << endl; particle.setStatus( MCParticle::STOPPED ); return( statusOK=false ); } if( 1 == didItConvert ) // did it convert? yes ... { #ifdef MKLDEBUG report( DEBUG, kFacilityString ) << "doPairConversion: photon converted" << endl; #endif //path_list.convert = trace_for_num; // add a conversion trace and stop this photon if( statusOK == true ) { particle.addTrace( TraceType::kPair ); particle.setStatus( MCParticle::STOPPED ); } } else if( didItConvert == 0 ) // it didn't ... { #ifdef MKLDEBUG report( DEBUG, kFacilityString ) << "doPairConversion: photon didn't convert" << endl; #endif statusOK = true; } else { report( ERROR, kFacilityString ) << "doPairConversion: unknown return value" << endl; statusOK=false; } } // showering has NOT started in the calorimeter return statusOK; } extern "C" { integer trk_sec_int_( const WTrackStruct& wIn, const Integer& hep, const DFLOAT& coll, const DFLOAT& absl, const DFLOAT eta[3], // direction cosines const DFLOAT& wtime, WTrackStruct& wOut, Integer& int_type ); } MCFBool AssociatedMaterial::do2ndInteraction( MCParticle& particle ) const { MCFBool statusOK = true; // assertions for this routine assert( particle.isHadron() == true ); assert( collLength() != 0 ); integer int_type=-1; // type of 2ndary interaction integer status = trk_sec_int_( particle.wtrack(), particle.hepIndexF(), collLength(), absLength(), particle.eta(), particle.path().time, particle.wtrack(), int_type ); if( int_type == 2 || particle.wtrack().p == 0 ) { // successful secondary interaction; don't trace particle further! statusOK = false; } return statusOK; } // I/O void AssociatedMaterial::printOn( ostream& str ) const { str << "\nAssociatedMaterial of type( " << nameOf() << " )\n"; str << "radiationLength( " << radLength() << " )\n"; str << "dedx( " << dedx() << " )\n"; } // // static member functions // AssociatedMaterial* AssociatedMaterial::createMaterial( float radl, float dedx, float coll, float absp ) { AssociatedMaterial* material=0; #if defined(SPEED) // if no material if( radl==0 && dedx==0 && coll==0 && absp==0 ) return material=0; #endif #if 0 /* always create proper material */ // or if User doesn't care about material if( false == UserSettings::kEloss && false == UserSettings::kMScat && false == UserSettings::k2ndInter && false == UserSettings::kDecayInFlight && false == UserSettings::kPairConversion ) return material=0; // otherwise #endif material = new AssociatedMaterial( radl, dedx, coll, absp ); return material; } // ================================================================== // Comments, suggestions, get on line 1! // // $Id$ // $Log$ // Revision 1.1 2000/06/19 19:59:31 eugenio // Initial revision // // Revision 1.13 1999/06/16 22:42:53 yarba_j // use correct normal to a given bsvx wafer when do hit generation and/or mscat/dedx // // Revision 1.12 1998/11/20 23:47:43 mkl // switch Boolean to MCFBool to avoid clashes with other typedef-ed bool types // // Revision 1.11 1998/10/21 19:59:34 mkl // implement eta correctly // // Revision 1.10 1998/09/17 21:55:30 mkl // take out info message from 2ndary interaction code // // Revision 1.9 1998/02/18 05:11:23 mkl // new SPEED cpp parameter to set either for speed or comparisons with Fortran // // Revision 1.8 1998/02/17 05:12:55 mkl // don't record traces for material, when no material flags are set // // Revision 1.7 1998/02/16 21:30:02 mkl // added new TraceType class that deals with trace types exclusively // // Revision 1.6 1998/02/16 04:33:40 mkl // first version of 2ndary interactions // // Revision 1.5 1997/11/21 22:02:27 mkl // compile-time fix // // Revision 1.4 1997/11/21 04:15:03 mkl // write traces for material planes even when MS/Eloss flags aren't set // // Revision 1.3 1997/11/11 20:14:06 mkl // doCorrections --> interactWith // // Revision 1.2 1997/08/25 16:12:28 mkl // eliminated some of the unnecessary Unsuccessful Tracing of Particle messages // // Revision 1.1 1997/08/02 02:59:50 mkl // RealMaterial and AssociatedMaterial derive from placeholder Material // // Revision 1.9 1997/08/01 20:56:31 mkl // forward declare stl containers // // Revision 1.8 1997/07/03 03:33:50 mkl // new approach: surfaces vs volumes; box tracing // // Revision 1.7 1997/05/10 01:41:38 mkl // minor adjustments as part of the bug hunt // // Revision 1.6 1997/04/23 14:42:45 bphyslib // assert instead of fancy error messages // // Revision 1.5 1997/04/23 02:42:41 bphyslib // debugged Bremsstrahlung // // Revision 1.4 1997/04/23 01:56:18 bphyslib // debugged photon conversions // // Revision 1.3 1997/04/23 01:48:17 bphyslib // debugged photon conversions // // Revision 1.2 1997/04/19 11:39:39 mkl // fixes suggested by Julia: change from layerIndex to deviceIndex in // DetCalorimeter.cc; reversal of if logic in AssociatedMaterial::doPhotonConversion(). // // Revision 1997/03/14 22:52:33 mkl // Imported sources for Martin Lohner s new c++ tracing code //