subroutine wtoeta(w, eta, phi, theta, error) c>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> c From w track info: find eta, theta and phi c c Returns phi and theta in degrees c c if error : returns error > 0 c>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> implicit none #include "" #include "" c Externals external phi_norm DFLOAT phi_norm c Calling arguments integer error DFLOAT eta, phi, theta record /wtrack_struct/ w c Local variables c>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if(w.p .le. 0.0 .or. .le. 0.0) then error = 1 return endif phi = phi_norm(atan2(, w.px )) ! does not use vertex info phi = phi*180. / pi theta = acos(w.pz/w.p) c old eta = -alog(tan(theta/2.)),w.pz) if( .eq. 0.) then eta = 100. else eta = -log( /( w.p+abs(w.pz) )) endif eta = eta*sign(ONE,w.pz) theta = theta*180./pi error = 0 return end c $Id$ c $Log$ c Revision 1.1 2000/06/19 19:59:47 eugenio c Initial revision c c Revision 1.2 1997/04/04 20:32:04 garren c add rcs log line c