* Urheim - rename char. strings interpreted as trigraphs by cpp on rs6000. * * $Id$ * * $Log$ * Revision 1.1 2000/06/19 20:00:14 eugenio * Initial revision * * Revision 1995/08/01 17:59:54 nk * Consolidation * * Revision 1.2 1994/12/06 17:28:48 zfiles * Change comments for AIX cpp (related trigraph, from J. Urheim) * * Revision 1994/10/04 21:54:51 zfiles * first version of clutil in CVS * * #include "sys/CLEO_machine.h" #include "pilot.h" *CMZ : 1.00/00 17/11/88 15.21.09 by R. Namjoshi *-- Author : R. Namjoshi 24/08/88 SUBROUTINE QRYLUN( ILUN, CUSTAT, COWNER ) C....................................................................... C. C. QRYLUN - Query status of unit ILUN C. C. Inputs : ILUN - Unit number whose status is sought C. Outputs : CUSTAT - Text describing status of ILUN C. : COWNER - Owner of the unit if not free C. C. COMMON : LUNMCC LUNMCI C. Banks D : None C. Banks L : None C. Banks M : None C. Banks U : None C. C. Calls : INILUN C. Called : C. C. Detailed description C. This routine can be used to query the status of a particular unit. C. The value of CUSTAT is 'FREE' if ILUN is available C. 'ALLO' if ILUN is allocated C. 'LOCK' if ILUN is locked #if defined(CLEO_RS6000) C. '?xxx' if ILUN is out of range or the table #else C. '????' if ILUN is out of range or the table #endif C. appears to be corrupted C. C. The value of COWNER is the name of the owner of the allocation or C. lock as supplied to GETLUN/LOKLUN. It is blank otherwise. C....................................................................... #if defined(CLEO_TYPECHEK) IMPLICIT NONE #endif * -------------------- Argument declarations --------------- INTEGER ILUN CHARACTER*(*) CUSTAT, COWNER * -------------------- EXTERNAL declarations --------------- * None * -------------------- SEQUENCE declarations --------------- #include "cleoks/cluseq/lunmcde.inc" * -------------------- Local declarations --------------- LOGICAL RCSINI CHARACTER*(*) CHRCSS, CHRCSR, CHRCST, CHRCSD, CHRCSA PARAMETER(CHRCSS='$RCSfile$') PARAMETER(CHRCSR='$Revision$') PARAMETER(CHRCST='$State$') PARAMETER(CHRCSD='$Date$') PARAMETER(CHRCSA='$Author$') INTEGER ISTAT LOGICAL LFIRST * -------------------- SAVE declarations --------------- SAVE RCSINI SAVE LFIRST * -------------------- DATA initializations --------------- DATA RCSINI/.TRUE./ DATA LFIRST /.TRUE./ * ----------------- Executable code starts here ------------ #if WRITE_RCS_INFO IF(RCSINI)THEN RCSINI = .FALSE. WRITE(6,*)'-------- CVSinfo --------' WRITE(6,*)CHRCSS WRITE(6,*)CHRCSR//' '//CHRCST WRITE(6,*)CHRCSD//' '//CHRCSA ENDIF #endif * IF( LFIRST ) THEN LFIRST = .FALSE. CALL INILUN ENDIF #if defined(CLEO_RS6000) CUSTAT = '?xxx' #else CUSTAT = '????' #endif COWNER = ' ' IF( ILUN.LT.LUNMIN .OR. ILUN.GT.LUNMAX ) GOTO 999 ISTAT = LUNTBL(ILUN) IF( ISTAT.EQ.LISFRE ) THEN CUSTAT = 'FREE' ELSEIF( ISTAT.EQ.LISUSE ) THEN CUSTAT = 'ALLO' COWNER = LUNOWN(ILUN) ELSEIF( ISTAT.EQ.LISLOK ) THEN CUSTAT = 'LOCK' COWNER = LUNOWN(ILUN) ENDIF * RETURN 999 END