* * $Id$ * * $Log$ * Revision 1.1 2000/06/19 20:00:15 eugenio * Initial revision * * Revision 1995/08/01 17:59:56 nk * Consolidation * * Revision 1.2 1994/10/06 16:46:14 zfiles * Do not use CALL MESLOG. (RCS keywords will not be printed out.) * * #include "sys/CLEO_machine.h" #include "pilot.h" #if defined(CLEO_CLEVER) *CMZ : 1.00/30 02/11/90 09.06.52 by B. Heltsley * add select flag *CMZ : 06/04/89 20.46.11 by R. Namjoshi *-- Author : R. Namjoshi 03/04/89 SUBROUTINE MESACT( CANAME, IMES, ISEVER ) C....................................................................... C. C. MESACT - Take appropriate action for message of severity ISEVER C. C. Inputs : CANAME - Name of message issuer C. : IMES - Message number C. : ISEVER - Message severity C. Outputs : None C. C. COMMON : ? C. Banks D : None C. Banks L : None C. Banks M : None C. Banks U : None C. C. Calls : MESEND MESITC MESOUT MESTOP QNEXTE C. Called : MESPRO C. Author : R. Namjoshi 03/04/89 14.24.38 C. C. Detailed description C. For FATAL and ABORT severity messages, take appropriate action C....................................................................... #if defined(CLEO_TYPECHEK) IMPLICIT NONE #endif * -------------------- Argument declarations --------------- CHARACTER*(*) CANAME INTEGER IMES, ISEVER * -------------------- EXTERNAL declarations --------------- * { EXTERNAL type declarations or "* None" if none } * -------------------- SEQUENCE declarations --------------- #include "cleoks/cluseq/mesbuf.inc" #include "seq/clutil/mesrep.inc" * -------------------- Local declarations --------------- * CHARACTER*(*) CRNAME PARAMETER( CRNAME = 'MESACT' ) * CHARACTER*30 CSEVER INTEGER NPHAZE * * -------------------- SAVE declarations --------------- * None * -------------------- DATA initializations --------------- * None * ----------------- Executable code starts here ------------ C C== Get Character severity C CALL MESITC( ISEVER, CSEVER ) C C== Get ZEBRA phase C CALL ZQPHAS( NPHAZE ) C C== Take action only if FATAL or ABORT C IF( CSEVER.EQ.MSFATA ) THEN IF( NPHAZE.EQ.0 ) THEN * *- Error during initialization, STOP the job if necessary * WRITE(CHMBUF,10000) CALL MESPUT(1,0) CALL MESTOP ELSEIF( NPHAZE.GE.1 ) THEN * *- Error during event processing, skip to next event * WRITE(CHMBUF,10010) CALL MESPUT(1,0) CALL QNEXTE ELSEIF( NPHAZE.LE.-1 ) THEN * *- Error during termination phase, just continue * WRITE(CHMBUF,10020) CALL MESPUT(1,0) ENDIF ELSEIF( CSEVER.EQ.MSABOR ) THEN IF( NPHAZE.EQ.0 ) THEN * *- Error during initialization, STOP the job if necessary * WRITE(CHMBUF,10030) CALL MESPUT(1,0) CALL MESTOP ELSEIF( NPHAZE.GE.1 ) THEN * *- Error during event processing, enter termination phase * WRITE(CHMBUF,10040) CALL MESPUT(1,0) CALL MESEND ELSEIF( NPHAZE.LE.-1 ) THEN * *- Error during termination phase, just continue * WRITE(CHMBUF,10050) CALL MESPUT(1,0) ENDIF ENDIF RETURN 10000 FORMAT(' MESACT-I- Fatal severity message during initialization', + ' phase, execution will be stopped' ) 10010 FORMAT(' MESACT-I- Fatal severity message during processing', + ' phase, skipping to next event' ) 10020 FORMAT(' MESACT-I- Fatal severity message during termination', + ' phase, continuing execution' ) 10030 FORMAT(' MESACT-I- Abort severity message during initialization', + ' phase, execution will be stopped' ) 10040 FORMAT(' MESACT-I- Abort severity message during processing', + ' phase, entering termination phase' ) 10050 FORMAT(' MESACT-I- Abort severity message during termination', + ' phase, continuing execution' ) END #endif