* * $Id$ * * $Log$ * Revision 1.1 2000/06/19 20:00:15 eugenio * Initial revision * * Revision 1995/08/01 17:59:58 nk * Consolidation * * Revision 1.2 1994/10/06 16:46:34 zfiles * Do not use CALL MESLOG. (RCS keywords will not be printed out.) * * #include "sys/CLEO_machine.h" #include "pilot.h" *CMZ : 1.00/30 07/11/90 13.08.50 by B. Heltsley * put in LPT unit *CMZ : 07/12/88 16.54.32 by R. Namjoshi *-- Author : R. Namjoshi 18/07/88 SUBROUTINE MESOUT( CRBEF, CRAFT ) C....................................................................... C. C. MESOUT - Write the contents of the message buffer CHMESS C. C. Inputs : CRBEF - Preceed write with this many CR/LF's C. : CRAFT - Follow write with this many CR/LF's C. Outputs : None C. COMMON : MESBUF MESLUN C. Calls : MESINI C. Called : C. C....................................................................... #if defined(CLEO_TYPECHEK) IMPLICIT NONE #endif * -------------------- Argument declarations --------------- INTEGER CRBEF, CRAFT * -------------------- EXTERNAL declarations --------------- INTEGER LENOCC EXTERNAL LENOCC * -------------------- SEQUENCE declarations --------------- #include "seq/clutil/mesrep.inc" #include "cleoks/cluseq/meslun.inc" * -------------------- Local declarations --------------- INTEGER I * -------------------- SAVE declarations --------------- * None * -------------------- DATA initializations --------------- * None * ----------------- Executable code starts here ------------ * DO 10 I = 1, CRBEF WRITE( MESLOU, 10000) #if !defined(CLEO_CLEVER) WRITE( MESLPT, 10000) #endif 10 CONTINUE C WRITE( MESLOU, 10010) CHMESS(1:LENOCC(CHMESS)) #if !defined(CLEO_CLEVER) WRITE( MESLPT, 10010) CHMESS(1:LENOCC(CHMESS)) #endif C DO 20 I = 1, CRAFT WRITE( MESLOU, 10000) #if !defined(CLEO_CLEVER) WRITE( MESLPT, 10000) #endif 20 CONTINUE C RETURN * 10000 FORMAT(1X) 10010 FORMAT(A) * END