* * $Id$ * * $Log$ * Revision 1.1 2000/06/19 20:00:25 eugenio * Initial revision * * Revision 1.6 1996/05/01 07:05:43 zfiles * BDISPX, BDISPY (beam dispersion) and P4PRQ1, P4PRQ2 (primary quark 4 momenta) * are saved. * * Revision 1.5 1996/02/21 20:59:06 lkg * IVRSCG and IBNCMC now use spare words in qqevnt/qqinfo/roar fields --> * backwards compatibility with old executables. * * Revision 1.4 1996/02/16 20:03:39 zfiles * Added IQQFLV * * Revision 1.3 1996/01/15 22:20:27 lkg * Add CLEOG version number IVRSCG (qqinfo) and MC generated bunch number (qqevnt) * Update roar fields to accommodate the new variables. * * Revision 1.2 1995/04/25 13:58:07 zfiles * New variable XANGQQ and IDKMEC * * Revision 1.1 1994/10/07 23:57:35 zfiles * New include files for QQ. * * *CMZ : 1.02/61 03/10/94 17.34.41 by Paul Avery *CMZ : 08/10/93 10.27.52 by Paul Avery *>> Author : * 15/10/96 Lynn Garren: Add double precision conditionals. * * >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> * QQEVNT.INC * * QQ parameters at the start of an event * >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> * * IEVTQQ QQ Event number * IRUNQQ QQ Run number * IRANQQ(2) Random seeds at start of QQ event * IRANMC(2) Random seeds at start of event in subsequent analysis * IRANCC(2) Historical. Not used * IQQFLV e+e- --> qq= quark type (JETSET continuum) * IRS2QQ(4) Reserved for future use * IBMRAD 0 ==> No photon radiated 1 ==> Photon radiated * IBNCMC generated bunch number of event * * ECM CM invariant mass after radiation * P4CMQQ(4) 4 vector of CM in lab * P4PHQQ(4) 4 vector of radiated photon * ENERNW CM energy after radiation * BEAMNW ENERNW/2 * BEAMP Positron energy * BEAMN Electron energy * XANGQQ Beam crossing angle (in mrad) * BDISPX Beam dispersion in x direction (in mrad) * BDISPY Beam dispersion in y direction (in mrad) * P4PRQ1(4) 4 vector of the primary quark in LUND * P4PRQ2(4) 4 vector of the primary anti-quark in LUND INTEGER IEVTQQ, IRUNQQ INTEGER IRANQQ, IRANMC, IRANCC, IQQFLV, IRS2QQ INTEGER IBMRAD, IBNCMC COMMON/QQEVT1/ * IEVTQQ, IRUNQQ, * IRANQQ(2), IRANMC(2), IRANCC(2), IQQFLV, IBNCMC, IRS2QQ(3), * IBMRAD DOUBLE PRECISION P4CMQQ, P4PHQQ REAL ECM, ENERNW, BEAMNW, BEAMP, BEAMN REAL XANGQQ, BDISPX, BDISPY, P4PRQ1, P4PRQ2 COMMON/QQEVT2/ * P4CMQQ(4), P4PHQQ(4), ECM, * ENERNW, BEAMNW, BEAMP, BEAMN, XANGQQ, BDISPX, BDISPY, * P4PRQ1(4), P4PRQ2(4)