* * $Id$ * * $Log$ * Revision 1.1 2000/06/19 20:00:29 eugenio * Initial revision * * Revision 1994/11/22 16:57:06 zfiles * first version of korb in CVS * * #include "sys/CLEO_machine.h" #include "pilot.h" *CMZ : 2.00/05 21/10/93 17.43.05 by Alan Weinstein *-- Author : FUNCTION PHOFAC(MODE) C.---------------------------------------------------------------------- C. C. PHOTOS: PHOton radiation in decays control FACtor C. C. Purpose: This is the control function for the photon spectrum and C. final weighting. It is called from PHOENE for genera- C. ting the raw photon energy spectrum (MODE=0) and in PHO- C. COR to scale the final weight (MODE=1). The factor con- C. sists of 3 terms. Addition of the factor FF which mul- C. tiplies PHOFAC for MODE=0 and divides PHOFAC for MODE=1, C. does not affect the results for the MC generation. An C. appropriate choice for FF can speed up the calculation. C. Note that a too small value of FF may cause weight over- C. flow in PHOCOR and will generate a warning, halting the C. execution. PRX should be included for repeated calls C. for the same event, allowing more particles to radiate C. photons. At the first call IREP=0, for more than 1 C. charged decay products, IREP >= 1. Thus, PRSOFT (no C. photon radiation probability in the previous calls) C. appropriately scales the strength of the bremsstrahlung. C. C. Input Parameters: MODE, PROBH, XF C. C. Output Parameter: Function value C. C. Author(s): S. Jadach, Z. Was Created at: 01/01/89 C. B. van Eijk Last Update: 13/02/90 C. C.---------------------------------------------------------------------- C-- IMPLICIT NONE REAL PHOFAC,FF,PRX INTEGER MODE INTEGER IREP REAL PROBH,CORWT,XF COMMON/PHOPRO/IREP,PROBH,CORWT,XF SAVE PRX,FF DATA PRX,FF/ 0., 0./ IF (MODE.EQ.0) THEN IF (IREP.EQ.0) PRX=1. PRX=PRX/(1.-PROBH) FF=1. C-- C-- Following options are not considered for the time being... C-- (1) Good choice, but does not save very much time: C-- FF=(1.0-SQRT(XF)/2.0)/(1.0+SQRT(XF)/2.0) C-- (2) Taken from the blue, but works without weight overflows... C-- FF=(1.-XF/(1-(1-SQRT(XF))**2))*(1+(1-SQRT(XF))/SQRT(1-XF))/2 PHOFAC=FF*PRX ELSE PHOFAC=1./FF ENDIF END