* * $Id$ * * $Log$ * Revision 1.1 2000/06/19 20:00:29 eugenio * Initial revision * * Revision 1994/11/22 16:57:05 zfiles * first version of korb in CVS * * #include "sys/CLEO_machine.h" #include "pilot.h" *CMZ : 2.00/05 21/10/93 17.43.02 by Alan Weinstein *-- Author : C.---------------------------------------------------------------------- C. C. PHOTOS: PHOtos CDE's C. C. Purpose: Keep definitions for PHOTOS QED correction Monte Carlo. C. C. Input Parameters: None C. C. Output Parameters: None C. C. Author(s): Z. Was, B. van Eijk Created at: 29/11/89 C. Last Update: 10/08/93 C. C. ========================================================= C. General Structure Information: = C. ========================================================= C: ROUTINES: C. 1) INITIALIZATION: C. PHOCDE C. PHOINI C. PHOCIN C. PHOINF C. 2) GENERAL INTERFACE: C. PHOTOS C. PHOBOS C. PHOIN C. PHOTWO (specific interface C. PHOOUT C. PHOCHK C. PHTYPE (specific interface C. PHOMAK (specific interface C. 3) QED PHOTON GENERATION: C. PHINT C. PHOPRE C. PHOOMA C. PHOENE C. PHOCOR C. PHOFAC C. PHODO C. 4) UTILITIES: C. PHOTRI C. PHOAN1 C. PHOAN2 C. PHOBO3 C. PHORO2 C. PHORO3 C. PHORIN C. PHORAN C. PHOCHA C. PHOSPI C. PHOERR C. PHOREP C. PHLUPA C. COMMONS: C. NAME USED IN SECT. # OF OCC. Comment C. PHOQED 1) 2) 3 Flags whether emisson to be gener. C. PHOLUN 1) 4) 5 Output device number C. PHOCOP 1) 3) 4 photon coupling & min energy C. PHPICO 1) 3) 4) 5 PI & 2*PI C. PHSEED 1) 4) 3 RN seed C. PHOSTA 1) 4) 3 Status information C. PHOKEY 1) 2) 3) 7 Keys for nonstandard application C. PHOVER 1) 1 Version info for outside C. HEPEVT 2) 6 PDG common C. PHOEVT 2) 3) 9 PDG branch C. PHOIF 2) 3) 2 emission flags for PDG branch C. PHOMOM 3) 5 param of char-neutr system C. PHOPHS 3) 5 photon momentum parameters C. PHOPRO 3) 4 var. for photon rep. (in branch) C. PHOCMS 2) 3 parameters of boost to branch CMS C. PHNUM 4) 1 event number from outside C.---------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE PHOINI C.---------------------------------------------------------------------- C. C. PHOTOS: PHOton radiation in decays INItialisation C. C. Purpose: Initialisation routine for the PHOTOS QED radiation C. package. Should be called at least once before a call C. to the steering program 'PHOTOS' is made. C. C. Input Parameters: None C. C. Output Parameters: None C. C. Author(s): Z. Was, B. van Eijk Created at: 26/11/89 C. Last Update: 12/04/90 C. C.---------------------------------------------------------------------- C-- IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER INIT SAVE INIT DATA INIT/ 0/ C-- C-- Return if already initialized... IF (INIT.NE.0) RETURN INIT=1 C-- C-- Preset parameters in PHOTOS commons CALL PHOCIN C-- C-- Print info CALL PHOINF C-- C-- Initialize Marsaglia and Zaman random number generator CALL PHORIN RETURN END