* * $Id$ * * $Log$ * Revision 1.1 2000/06/19 20:00:29 eugenio * Initial revision * * Revision 1994/11/22 16:57:06 zfiles * first version of korb in CVS * * #include "sys/CLEO_machine.h" #include "pilot.h" *CMZ : 2.00/05 21/10/93 17.43.06 by Alan Weinstein *-- Author : FUNCTION PHOSPI(IDHEP) C.---------------------------------------------------------------------- C. C. PHOTOS: PHOton radiation in decays function for SPIn determina- C. tion C. C. Purpose: Calculate the spin of particle with code IDHEP. The C. code of the particle is defined by the Particle Data C. Group in Phys. Lett. B204 (1988) 1. C. C. Input Parameter: IDHEP C. C. Output Parameter: Funtion value = spin of particle with code C. IDHEP C. C. Author(s): E. Barberio and B. van Eijk Created at: 29/11/89 C. Last update: 02/01/90 C. C.---------------------------------------------------------------------- C-- IMPLICIT NONE REAL PHOSPI INTEGER IDHEP,IDABS C-- C-- Array 'SPIN' contains the spin of the first 100 particles accor- C-- ding to the PDG particle code... REAL SPIN(100) DATA SPIN/ 8*.5, 1., 0., 8*.5, 2*0., 4*1., 76*0./ IDABS=ABS(IDHEP) C-- C-- Spin of quark, lepton, boson etc.... IF (IDABS.LE.100) THEN PHOSPI=SPIN(IDABS) ELSE C-- C-- ...other particles, however... PHOSPI=(MOD(IDABS,10)-1.)/2. C-- C-- ...K_short and K_long are special !! PHOSPI=MAX(PHOSPI,0.) ENDIF RETURN END