* * $Id$ * * $Log$ * Revision 1.1 2000/06/19 20:00:31 eugenio * Initial revision * * Revision 1994/11/22 16:57:04 zfiles * first version of korb in CVS * * #include "sys/CLEO_machine.h" #include "pilot.h" *CMZ : 2.00/00 21/01/93 15.42.36 by Alan Weinstein *-- Author : SUBROUTINE DWLUPH(KTO,PHOT) C--------------------------------------------------------------------- C Lorentz transformation to CMsystem and C Updating of HEPEVT record C C called by : DEXAY1,(DEKAY1,DEKAY2) C C used when radiative corrections in decays are generated C--------------------------------------------------------------------- C REAL PHOT(4) C C check energy IF (PHOT(4).LE.0.0) RETURN C C position of decaying particle: IF((KTO.EQ. 1).OR.(KTO.EQ.11)) THEN NPS=3 ELSE NPS=4 ENDIF C KTOS=KTO IF(KTOS.GT.10) KTOS=KTOS-10 C boost and append photon (gamma is 22) CALL TRALO4(KTOS,PHOT,PHOT,AM) CALL FILHEP(0,1,22,NPS,NPS,0,0,PHOT,0.0,.TRUE.) C RETURN END