* * $Id$ * * $Log$ * Revision 1.1 2000/06/19 20:00:34 eugenio * Initial revision * * Revision 1994/10/08 02:21:28 zfiles * first version of qqlib in CVS * * #include "sys/CLEO_machine.h" #include "pilot.h" *CMZ : 1.00/00 04/06/90 18.55.48 by Jorge L. Rodriguez *-- Author : SUBROUTINE QED03T(Q) IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION(A-H,K-Z) DIMENSION Q(4) COMMON / OUT11 / K,Z,ZM,ZP,SZ,FG,SFG,CFG COMMON / INV1 / EPLMN,PYPLMN,PZPLMN,BOOST1,BOOST2,BOOST3,IPLUS QX=Q(1) QY=Q(2) QZ=Q(3) QE=Q(4) IF(K.EQ.0.D0) GOTO 411 C C first rotate such that if C Q(1..4) were = (0,0,PPPLMN,EPLMN) then it would be rotated into C (0,PYPLMN,PZPLMN,EPLMN) C C any incoming angular distribution with respect to the 3-axis C is changed into one w.r.to the E(+) [ or the E(-)] axis C in the hadron C.O.M. system C QQ=QY QY=PZPLMN*QQ+PYPLMN*QZ QZ=PZPLMN*QZ-PYPLMN*QQ C C now boost back from the hadron C.O.M. system to the lab system0 C QDOT=(QY*BOOST2+QZ*BOOST3) QEEE=BOOST1*QE+QDOT QDOT=QE+QDOT/(BOOST1+1.) QY=QY+BOOST2*QDOT QZ=QZ+BOOST3*QDOT QE=QEEE C C C now rotate by fi around the lab-z-axis C (originally, 'K' in the Y/Z plane) C 411 QQ=QY QY=QQ*CFG-QX*SFG QX=QQ*SFG+QX*CFG C C Q(1)=QX Q(2)=QY Q(3)=QZ Q(4)=QE RETURN END