* * $Id$ * * $Log$ * Revision 1.1 2000/06/19 20:00:38 eugenio * Initial revision * * Revision 1994/10/08 02:21:28 zfiles * first version of qqlib in CVS * * #include "sys/CLEO_machine.h" #include "pilot.h" *CMZ : 1.04/00 22/09/94 00.24.39 by Paul Avery *CMZ : 1.03/26 04/10/91 11.46.31 by Peter C Kim *CMZ : 1.01/00 30/10/90 00.43.50 by Paul Avery *CMZ : 1.00/00 23/08/90 15.50.56 by Paul Avery *-- Author : * 16/10/96 Lynn Garren: Add double precision conditionals. SUBROUTINE QQGEN2(T, CMAS, XMATRX, XM, P) C >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> C Decay the 4-vector T into 2 body phase space C C T real array (read) C 4-vector of parent C C CMAS real variable (real) C Mass of parent (redundant) C C XMATRX real array (read) C XMATRX(1-7) = Coefficients of angular distribution C C XM real array (read) C XM(1-2) = Masses of 2 daughters C C P real array (write) C P(1-4,2) = 4-vectors of daughters C C >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> #if defined(CLEO_TYPECHEK) IMPLICIT NONE #endif C External declarations #if defined(NONCLEO_DOUBLE) REAL RANP DOUBLE PRECISION QQGANG #else REAL RANP, QQGANG #endif EXTERNAL RANP, QQGANG C Calling arguments #if defined(NONCLEO_DOUBLE) DOUBLE PRECISION T(4), CMAS, XMATRX(7), XM(2), P(4,2) #else REAL T(4), CMAS, XMATRX(7), XM(2), P(4,2) #endif C Local variables #if defined(NONCLEO_DOUBLE) DOUBLE PRECISION COSTH, SINTH, EE, PP, PPD, PHI, THETA, PSQ #else REAL COSTH, SINTH, EE, PP, PPD, PHI, THETA, PSQ #endif INTEGER I C >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> COSTH = QQGANG(XMATRX) PHI = 2. * 3.141592654 * RANP(0) SINTH = SQRT(1. - COSTH**2) EE = (CMAS**2 + XM(1)**2 - XM(2)**2) / (2. * CMAS) C== SQRT protected (PCK 2/10/91) PSQ = EE**2 - XM(1)**2 IF(PSQ.LE.0.0) THEN PP = 0.0 ELSE PP = SQRT(PSQ) ENDIF P(1,1) = PP * SINTH * COS(PHI) P(2,1) = PP * SINTH * SIN(PHI) P(3,1) = PP * COSTH P(4,1) = EE P(1,2) = -P(1,1) P(2,2) = -P(2,1) P(3,2) = -P(3,1) P(4,2) = CMAS - EE PPD = SQRT(T(1)**2 + T(2)**2 + T(3)**2) C If parent momentum is 0, we are done IF(PPD .EQ. 0) GOTO 1000 C If we have an angular distribution, must reference it to particle C direction. We will rotate to this direction before we boost to lab IF(XMATRX(2).NE.0 .OR. XMATRX(3).NE.0.) THEN THETA = ACOS(T(3) / PPD) IF(T(1).EQ.0. .AND. T(2).EQ.0.) THEN PHI = 0. ELSE PHI = ATAN2(T(2), T(1)) ENDIF #if defined(NONCLEO_DOUBLE) CALL D4ROTA(PHI, THETA, 0.D0, 2, P, P) #else CALL R4ROTA(PHI, THETA, 0., 2, P, P) #endif ENDIF #if defined(NONCLEO_DOUBLE) CALL DBOOSF(T, 2, P, P) #else CALL RBOOSF(T, 2, P, P) #endif C Only exit 1000 RETURN END