* * $Id$ * * $Log$ * Revision 1.1 2000/06/19 20:00:39 eugenio * Initial revision * * Revision 1.3 1996/06/05 07:51:31 clib * Initialize beam dispersion sigmas. * * Revision 1.2 1996/05/15 05:28:07 clib * Initialize CLEOG version number. * * Revision 1994/10/08 02:21:37 zfiles * first version of qqlib in CVS * * #include "sys/CLEO_machine.h" #include "pilot.h" *CMZ : 1.04/00 05/10/94 02.48.51 by Peter C Kim *CMZ : 1.03/71 02/12/93 13.04.16 by Lynn Garren *CMZ : 1.03/70 12/10/93 16.54.14 by Paul Avery *CMZ : 1.03/35 06/12/91 15.27.08 by Peter C Kim *CMZ : 1.03/26 04/10/91 11.49.35 by Peter C Kim *CMZ : 1.03/17 24/07/91 16.51.09 by Peter C Kim *CMZ : 1.02/00 02/11/90 01.58.11 by Paul Avery *CMZ : 1.00/01 06/09/90 11.38.24 by Paul Avery *CMZ : 1.00/00 23/08/90 14.03.28 by Paul Avery *-- declare local variables, deflexify, adapt CLEO2 software standards *CMZ : 20/05/90 13.38.51 by Jorge L. Rodriguez *CMZ : 19/05/90 15.07.54 by Jorge L. Rodriguez SUBROUTINE QQINIT(LERROR) C >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> C Initialize QQ C C Vers. 1 1-05-82 Defined C Vers. 2 1-17-82 Allow particles to decay into jets C Vers. 3 4-8-82 Put in baryons and update DECAY.INP C Vers. 4 5-8-82 Put in finite width resonances C Vers. 5 6-10-82 Add include files QQ1.INC - QQ4.INC C Vers. 6 11-1-84 Flexified READDC, 16 bit bytes to store decay info, C TYPSCN in QQ main loop, character data everywhere, C new B decay model using WJET, use QQ.INC everywhere, C new particle list, vertex list. C Vers. 6.1 1-28-84 Check for batch if checking time, change free C format reads to fixed format for IBM (QQINIT and C READDC), move IER = 0 in NONLEP to beginning, C get rid of extra arrays in NONLEP, move data C statement for BQMAS to BLOCK DATA, fix bug for C continuum generation, fix KCODE in MODEVT. C Vers. 6.2 2-6-85 Put SPREAD in QQ.INC. EWIDTH was being set to 0. C Vers. 6.3 3-4-85 Change IRAN to ISEED in /RANDM/ C Vers. 6.4 3-4-85 Add QED stuff from C. Rippich C Vers. 6.5 3-5-85 Change Sub. USER to USERXX in QQUSER.FLX; get C rid of variable BARYON. C Vers. 6.6 3-6-85 Set MOUT1=LOUT1 in QQINIT. Zero out IDECSV, C NDAUTV and IDAUTV for partons. Don't allow C partons in ISTBMC list. C Vers. 6.7 3-6-85 Get rid of extraneous return statement in MODINI. C Get rid of Commons /OUTDEV/, /OUT1/ and /OUT2/. C Move IOUT1=LOUT1 to first line in MODINI. C Replace (-1)**(I+1) by ISIGN(1,3-2*I) IN QCD.FLX C Vers. 6.8 3-7-85 Put ISELCT in main routine; get rid of IOUT in C QCDPAR; fix ANSI-77 problems. C Vers. 6.9 3-9-85 New QED routines from C. Rippich. I made them C ANSI compatible. I had to get DILOG and PIHINT C from the old program (I hope the're all right). C Vers. 6.10 3-13-85 Do not call ISELCT if LSELCT is False C Vers. 6.11 4-6-85 VAXIFICATION: SETRN1 puts QQ.CNT in SFD with C world write protection on VAX, use READONLY for C reading OLD files, use LOUT1=45 not 6. C Vers. 6.12 4-8-85 Put LUNTTI and LUNTTO in CLUNS.INC. Define ISEED C for all machines. Add IRANQQ for each event. C Vers. 6.13 4-18-85 Put polarization in DECAY.INP files. Make sure C that if MATRX > 0 for 2 body decays that the C parent rest frame (not the lab frame) is used C to define the coordinate system. C Vers. 6.14 5-3-85 Set ISEED = IRAN for VAX and IBM C Vers. 6.15 5-7-85 Add call to TYPINI. C Vers. 6.16 5-9-85 Fix IVPROD for partons in QCD events C Vers. 6.17 6-5-85 Changes regarding KMAX in QED031 and QQ C Vers. 6.18 6-11-85 Change ALOG(RAN to avoid zero value of RAN. C Increase initial length of COMMON/CON1/ in BKQED C Vers. 6.19 6-19-85 Add IBM fixes a la Rohit N. C Vers. 6.20 7-03-85 Do more of same C Vers. 6.21 7-10-85 Fix EVTGEN to avoid infinite loops because of C low CM energy. C Vers. 6.22 8-06-85 Changed TAUHAD so that electron-neutrino and C tau-neutrino masses are not hard-wired to 0. C Vers. 6.23 8-09-85 Removed ascynchronous TYPSCN and used logical C filenames for QQxxxx.DAT for 370E/IBM. C Vers. 6.24 9-18-85 Fixed SQRT(0 or NEG) in WJET C Vers. 6.25 9-20-85 Uncommented call to DECGEN(5) in GGGJET C Vers. 6.26 11-04-85 Now call READDC before EVOUT1 to get DECAY.INP on C tape; removed unreachable RETURN in MODEVT C Vers. 6.27 12-04-85 SQRT(NEG) in QQJET protected against C Vers. 6.28 3-05-86 Avoid JT=1.+2.*RAN()=3 in WJET and QQJET C Vers. 6.29 3-24-86 Increase MPOLQQ from 50 to 100 in QQPARS.INC C Vers. 6.30 5-20-86 Graceful exit if time out in batch C Vers. 6.31 6-04-86 Avoid checking XSMIN(0) in EVTGEN C Vers. 6.32 7-11-86 Reduce values of BSIZE C Vers. 6.33 8-05-86 More arguments in call to HSTTTY C Vers. 6.34 8-11-86 SPECTR in QDECAY now uses ISEED, not IRAN C Vers. 6.35 9-03-86 GETPAR in QDECAY now sets IT=2 for charmed baryons C Vers. 6.36 3-20-87 NSLEFT.GT.0 for Florida C Vers. 6.37 2-09-88 write out BPOS and BSIZE to QQ record with ECM C Vers. 6.38 3-23-88 Implemented KEMAX for models 2-4 C Vers. 6.39 10-25-88 Use Gaussian beam spot smearing, update parameters C Vers. 6.40 11-09-88 IDECSV modified for correct output to mass storage C Vers. 6.41 06-08-89 Smear in ECM modulated by resonanace if LRESPR C Vers. 7.00 7-25-90 Use new driver, new I/O format, new Commons C Vers. 7.01 9-01-90 Misc. bug fixes C Vers. 7.02 9-16-90 New version of MCCOMS, new I/O format, ROAR fields C Vers. 8.01 Feb, 91 Real New Version : C Vers. 9.01 Dec, 93 Make functional for non-CLEO users C C NAMELIST --> FFREAD C BLOCK DATA QQDATA --> SUBROUTINE QBINIT C Calls QQINPT for reading in QQ control parameters C >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> #if defined(CLEO_TYPECHEK) IMPLICIT NONE #endif #include "qqlib/seq/qqcntl.inc" #include "seq/clinc/qqinfo.inc" #include "qqlib/seq/qqluns.inc" C-- Calling arguments LOGICAL LERROR C >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> LERROR = .TRUE. CALL QQINIA C Version and event origin IVRSQQ = 900 IORGQQ = 1 WRITE(LTTOQQ,5002) IVRSQQ 5002 FORMAT(/,' QQ version: ',I5/) C initialize CLEOG version number IVRSCG = 0 C Initialize Sigmas for beam dispersion in x and y directions BDSIGX = 0.0 BDSIGY = 0.0 C-- Update run number C-- Read in any changes to the control variables via FFREAD CALL QQINRN(LERROR) IF(LERROR) GO TO 9999 CALL QQINIB C-- Make cumulative list for SU(3) mixing (uu,dd,ss) CALL QQINIC C-- Set random seed CALL QQIRND C-- Machine width of cm energy. CALL QQINID C-- Read in default DECAY.DEC CALL QQRDCY(LERROR) IF(LERROR) GO TO 9999 C-- Type out qcd parameters CALL QCDPAR C-- Initialize models CALL MODINI C Normal exit LERROR = .FALSE. RETURN C Error exit 9999 RETURN END