* * $Id$ * * $Log$ * Revision 1.1 2000/06/19 20:00:39 eugenio * Initial revision * * Revision 1994/10/08 02:21:37 zfiles * first version of qqlib in CVS * * #include "sys/CLEO_machine.h" #include "pilot.h" *CMZ : 1.04/00 04/10/94 22.55.10 by Paul Avery *CMZ : 1.03/31 11/11/91 20.48.00 by Unknown *CMZ : 1.03/12 02/07/91 11.40.59 by Peter C Kim *CMZ : 1.01/00 13/10/90 17.59.01 by Paul Avery *CMZ : 1.00/00 24/08/90 00.17.51 by Paul Avery *-- Author : Jorge L. Rodriguez 05/06/90 SUBROUTINE QQSRUN(IRUN) C >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> C Read the file which contains the current QQ run number, reads C in the number, and increments the number in the file by 1. If the C file is missing, the number 1 is returned. C C Note: the file is assumed to be unprotected so that many users can C write to it. C C *IRUN integer variable (write) C Run number C >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> #if defined(CLEO_TYPECHEK) IMPLICIT NONE #endif #include "qqlib/seq/qqluns.inc" CHARACTER*(*) CRNAME PARAMETER ( CRNAME = 'QQSRUN' ) C Calling arguments INTEGER IRUN C Local variables CHARACTER*80 CFILE, FULNAM C >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> C 1. Open the file C 1. Read the run number C 2. Rewind the file C 3. Write the new run into the file C 4. Close the file CFILE = 'QQSEQ.INI' CALL GFUFNM( CFILE, FULNAM, CRNAME ) #if defined(CLEO_VAX) OPEN(UNIT=LTMPQQ, FILE=FULNAM, STATUS='OLD',ERR=9999) #endif #if defined(CLEO_UNIX) OPEN(UNIT=LTMPQQ, FILE=FULNAM, STATUS='OLD',ERR=9999) #endif #if defined(CLEO_IBM) OPEN(UNIT=LTMPQQ, FILE=FULNAM, STATUS='OLD',ERR=9999) #endif READ(LTMPQQ, 5051) IRUN 5051 FORMAT(I10) IRUN = IRUN + 1 REWIND LTMPQQ WRITE(LTMPQQ, 5051) IRUN CLOSE(LTMPQQ) C Normal exit RETURN C Come here if file is missing 9999 IRUN = 1 RETURN END