* * $Id$ * * $Log$ * Revision 1.1 2000/06/19 20:00:40 eugenio * Initial revision * * Revision 1994/10/08 02:21:37 zfiles * first version of qqlib in CVS * * #include "sys/CLEO_machine.h" #include "pilot.h" *CMZ : 1.04/00 04/10/94 22.14.48 by Paul Avery *CMZ : 1.03/57 15/02/93 21.20.30 by Peter C Kim *-- Author : D. Coffman 15/02/93 DOUBLE PRECISION FUNCTION DKPSIH(P4PSI, MPSI, LAMBDA, * KLOW, ML, P4LP, * P4LM, P4G) C....................................................................... C. C. DKPSIH - Generate 4-momenta for the decay J/psi --> l+ l- photon C. C. Inputs : C. P4PSI Four momentum of J/psi C. MPSI Mass of J/psi C. LAMBDA Helicity of J/psi C. KLOW Low energy cut-off C. ML Mass of lepton C. C. Outputs : C. P4LP Four momentum of positive lepton C. P4LM Four momentum of negative lepton C. P4G Four momentum of photon C. C. Value : C. Differential decay rate for this event, including phase space, C and matrix element C. C. Calls : PSIHEL, DK3BOD, DOT4 C. Called : PSIGEN C. C... This routine decays a polarized J/psi to a lepton pair and a photon. C... C... D. Coffman 1/29/93 C. C----------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(CLEO_TYPECHEK) IMPLICIT NONE #endif C C Declare the arguments C DOUBLE PRECISION P4PSI(4) DOUBLE PRECISION MPSI INTEGER LAMBDA DOUBLE PRECISION KLOW DOUBLE PRECISION ML DOUBLE PRECISION P4LP(4) DOUBLE PRECISION P4LM(4) DOUBLE PRECISION P4G(4) CHARACTER*(*) CRNAME PARAMETER( CRNAME = 'DKPSIH' ) C C Declare the random number generator C INTEGER ISEED COMMON/RANDM/ISEED REAL RANP EXTERNAL RANP C C If a random number is needed more than once, it is stored in rho C DOUBLE PRECISION RHO C C The event weight will be "constructed" in the variable weight C DOUBLE PRECISION WEIGHT C C The following terms enter into the matrix elements. C DOUBLE PRECISION P12, P1K, P2K, KK, P1P1, P2P2 C C These are various stages of the matrix element. C FB is the lowest order matrix element. DOUBLE PRECISION FB C C Beta is approximate velocity of the leptons in the rest-frame of the J/psi C DOUBLE PRECISION BETA C C Khigh is the maximum photon energy C DOUBLE PRECISION KHIGH C C The fine structure constant has its usual definition. C DOUBLE PRECISION ALPHA PARAMETER(ALPHA=7.2974D-03) C C Mysterious transcendental number: ratio of a circle's circumference C to its diameter. C DOUBLE PRECISION PI PARAMETER(PI=3.141592653D0) C C These are the five independent phase-space variables in the J/psi rest-frame C costht cosine of polar angle of photon's direction C phi azimuthal angle of photon's direction C ksi azimuthal angle of positive lepton with respect to photon C omega photon energy C coszet cosine of angle between postive lepton's and photon's directions C DOUBLE PRECISION COSTHT, PHI, KSI, OMEGA, COSZET C C The variable R is used to construct coszet. C DOUBLE PRECISION R C C These are derived kinematic quantities: C Elp total energy of positive lepton C Plp 3-momentum of positive lepton C Discr discriminant from quadratic equation for determining Elp C DOUBLE PRECISION ELP DOUBLE PRECISION PLP DOUBLE PRECISION DISCR C C These are inner products of various 4-momenta C DOUBLE PRECISION X1, X2, Y1, Y2, S C C The mass of the photon is zero! C DOUBLE PRECISION MG PARAMETER(MG=0.0D0) C C This function calculates inner products C DOUBLE PRECISION DOT4 C C This is the derivative of the energy delta function C DOUBLE PRECISION FPRI C C INFINITE LOOP TRAP. C INTEGER NTRY, NTRYMX PARAMETER ( NTRYMX = 100 ) C C Sundry variables. C INTEGER I C C This common is testing, debugging, purposes C DOUBLE PRECISION PSVOL, SUMPS DOUBLE PRECISION GAM0, GAMS, GAMH DOUBLE PRECISION SUM0, SUMS, SUMH DOUBLE PRECISION SUM20, SUM2S, SUM2H INTEGER NUMW, NUMS, NUMH COMMON /TESTIT/ GAM0, GAMS, GAMH, * SUM0, SUMS, SUMH, * SUM20, SUM2S, SUM2H, * PSVOL, SUMPS, * NUMW, NUMS, NUMH C--------------------------------------------------------------------------- C Executable code begins here C--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NTRY = 0 1 NTRY = NTRY + 1 C C Calculate the velocity of the leptons C BETA = DSQRT(1.0D0 - 4.0D0*ML**2/MPSI**2) C C Now calculate the maximum photon energy C KHIGH = 0.5D0 * MPSI * BETA**2 C C Construct the kinematic variables according to the approximate C distributions. C RHO = DBLE(RANP(ISEED)) COSTHT = 2.0D0*RHO - 1.0D0 RHO = DBLE(RANP(ISEED)) PHI = 2.0D0*PI*RHO RHO = DBLE(RANP(ISEED)) KSI = 2.0D0*PI*RHO RHO = DBLE(RANP(ISEED)) OMEGA = KLOW * ((KHIGH/KLOW)**RHO) RHO = DBLE(RANP(ISEED)) R = ( (1.0D0 + BETA)/(1.0D0 - BETA) )**(2.0D0*RHO - 1.0D0) COSZET = (R - 1.0D0) / (R + 1.0D0) / BETA C C Protect coszet from round-off error C COSZET = DMAX1(-1.0D0, DMIN1(1.0D0, COSZET)) C C Now calculate the energy of the positive lepton using the exact C relationships. C DISCR = DMAX1(0.0D0, * (MPSI**2 - 2.0D0*MPSI*OMEGA)**2 * + 4.0D0* OMEGA**2 * ML**2 * COSZET**2 * - 4.0D0* (MPSI - OMEGA)**2 * ML**2) ELP = ( (MPSI - OMEGA) * (MPSI**2 - 2.0D0*MPSI*OMEGA) * - OMEGA * COSZET * DSQRT(DISCR) ) * / ( 2.0D0 * ( (MPSI - OMEGA)**2 - OMEGA**2*COSZET**2) ) PLP = DSQRT(DMAX1(0.0D0, ELP**2 - ML**2)) C C Generate the 4-momenta. C CALL DK3BOD(MPSI, ML, MG, ML, * COSZET, COSTHT, PHI, KSI, * OMEGA, PLP, * P4PSI, P4LM, P4G, P4LP, * .FALSE.) C C Trap cases of bad kinematics and rethrow the event. C IF ( ABS(P4LM(4)**2-P4LM(1)**2-P4LM(2)**2-P4LM(3)**2-ML**2) .GT. * ML*0.001 ) THEN IF ( NTRY .LE. NTRYMX ) GOTO 1 ENDIF C C Calculate the helicity factors C CALL PSIHEL(P4LP, P4LM, P4G, LAMBDA, * P12, P1K, P2K, KK, * P1P1, P2P2) C C Calculate the inner products C X1 = DOT4(P4PSI, P4LP) X2 = DOT4(P4PSI, P4LM) Y1 = DOT4(P4LP, P4G) Y2 = DOT4(P4LM, P4G) S = DOT4(P4LP, P4LM) C C Calculate the lowest order matrix element. C FB = -64.0D0 * PI**2 * ALPHA**2 * ( * ( ML**2 * (2.0D0*P12 + X1) * + (ML**2 - Y1)*(2.0D0*P2K + Y2) ) / Y1**2 * - ( S * (4.0D0*P12 - 2.0D0*KK + MPSI**2 - 2.0D0*ML**2) * + 2.0D0*ML**2 * (S - KK) * + 2.0D0*Y1*(P12 - P2P2) * + 2.0D0*Y2*(P12 - P1P1) ) / (Y1*Y2) * + ( ML**2 * (2.0D0*P12 + X2) * + (ML**2 - Y2) * (2.0D0*P1K + Y1) ) / Y2**2 * ) C C Calculate the approximate integral C WEIGHT = 1.0D0/(16.0D0 * PI**3 * MPSI**2) * * DLOG(KHIGH / KLOW) * * DLOG( (1.0D0 + BETA) / (1.0D0 - BETA) ) / BETA C C Calculate the differential decay rate using Fermi's Golden Rule C Protect the calculation from division by zero! C (A zero value of plp IS allowed by phase-space: C the matrix element is however, zero.) C FPRI = DABS( -2.0D0*MPSI*PLP * + 2.0D0*OMEGA*(PLP - ELP*COSZET) ) WEIGHT = WEIGHT * MPSI**2 * PLP * OMEGA**2 * * PLP / FPRI * * (1.0D0 - BETA*COSZET)*(1.0D0 + BETA*COSZET) GAMH = WEIGHT * FB/(2.0D0*MPSI) C C Save the value of the diffenetial decay rate and return. C DKPSIH = GAMH RETURN END