* * $Id$ * * $Log$ * Revision 1.1 2000/06/19 20:00:40 eugenio * Initial revision * * Revision 1994/10/08 02:21:37 zfiles * first version of qqlib in CVS * * #include "sys/CLEO_machine.h" #include "pilot.h" *CMZ : 1.04/00 04/10/94 22.13.30 by Paul Avery *CMZ : 1.03/57 15/02/93 16.13.23 by Peter C Kim *-- Author : D. Coffman 15/02/93 DOUBLE PRECISION FUNCTION DKPSIS(P4PSI, MPSI, LAMBDA, * KLOW, ML, P4LP, P4LM) C....................................................................... C. C. DKPSIS - Generate 4-momenta for the decay J/psi --> l+ l- C. C. Inputs : C. P4PSI Four momentum of J/psi C. MPSI Mass of J/psi C. LAMBDA Helicity of J/psi C. KLOW Low energy cut-off C. ML Mass of lepton C. C. Outputs : C. P4LP Four momentum of positive lepton C. P4LM Four momentum of negative lepton C. C. Value : C. Differential decay rate dor this event, including phase space, C matrix element, and soft radiative corrections C. C. Calls : TWOBOD, DDILOG, PSIHEL C. Called : PSIGEN C. C... This routine decays a polarized J/psi to a lepton pair. C... O(alpha) radiative corrections are included. C... C... The dilog function is from CERNLIB. There, the definition is C... unusual: C... ( x C... | C... LI2(x) = - | | log (1-x) | / x dx C... | C... ) 0 C... D. Coffman 1/29/93 C....................................................................... #if defined(CLEO_TYPECHEK) IMPLICIT NONE #endif C C Declare the arguments DOUBLE PRECISION P4PSI(4) DOUBLE PRECISION MPSI INTEGER LAMBDA DOUBLE PRECISION ML DOUBLE PRECISION P4LP(4) DOUBLE PRECISION P4LM(4) DOUBLE PRECISION KLOW CHARACTER*(*) CRNAME PARAMETER( CRNAME = 'DKPSIS' ) C C Declare a dummy variable for the unobserved photon momentum. C DOUBLE PRECISION P4G(4) C C Declare the random number generator C INTEGER ISEED COMMON/RANDM/ISEED REAL RANP EXTERNAL RANP C C Declare the Spence function C DOUBLE PRECISION DDILOG C C The event weight will be "constructed" in the variable weight C DOUBLE PRECISION WEIGHT C C The function TwoBod decays a state into two particles according to C Lorentz invariant phase space. The value of the function is the C phase space weight. C DOUBLE PRECISION TWOBOD C C The variable delta is the soft radiative correction to the lowest C order matrix element. It is the sum of the soft Bremsstrahlung C --- deltaS --- and virtual --- deltaV --- parts. C DOUBLE PRECISION DELTAS, DELTAV, DELTA C C The following terms enter into the matrix elements. C DOUBLE PRECISION P12, P1K, P2K, KK, P1P1, P2P2 C C These are various stages of the matrix element. C F0 is the lowest order matrix element. C FM is the "magnetic" term induced by the vertex correction. C F1 is the matrix element corrected to first order DOUBLE PRECISION F0, FM, F1 C C Beta is velocity of the leptons in the rest-frame of the J/psi C DOUBLE PRECISION BETA C C The fine structure constant has its usual definition. C DOUBLE PRECISION ALPHA PARAMETER(ALPHA=7.2974D-03) C C Mysterious transcendental number: ratio of a circle's circumference C to its diameter. C DOUBLE PRECISION PI PARAMETER(PI=3.141592653D0) C C Sundry variables. C INTEGER I C C This common is testing, debugging, purposes C DOUBLE PRECISION PSVOL, SUMPS DOUBLE PRECISION GAM0, GAMS, GAMH DOUBLE PRECISION SUM0, SUMS, SUMH DOUBLE PRECISION SUM20, SUM2S, SUM2H INTEGER NUMW, NUMS, NUMH COMMON /TESTIT/ GAM0, GAMS, GAMH, * SUM0, SUMS, SUMH, * SUM20, SUM2S, SUM2H, * PSVOL, SUMPS, * NUMW, NUMS, NUMH C--------------------------------------------------------------------------- C Executable code begins here C--------------------------------------------------------------------------- C C Calculate the velocity of the leptons C BETA = DSQRT(1.0D0 - 4.0D0*ML**2/MPSI**2) C C Calculate the virtual and soft corrections. The cancellation of the C ultraviolet divergence is taken care of in the virtual correction term. C Note the change of sign for the DDILOG term! (See note in function header) C DELTAV = ALPHA/PI*( * 2.0D0*(DLOG(ML/(2.0D0*KLOW)) - 1.0D0) * *(1.0D0 - (1.0D0 + BETA**2)/(2.0D0*BETA) * * DLOG((1.0D0 + BETA)/(1.0D0 - BETA))) * - 1.0D0/(2.0D0*BETA)* DLOG((1.0D0 + BETA)/(1.0D0 - BETA)) * + 2.0D0*(1.0D0 + BETA**2)/BETA * *( PI**2/6.0D0 * - 0.250D0*DLOG(4.0D0*BETA**2/(1.0D0 - BETA)) * *DLOG((1.0D0 + BETA)/(1.0D0 - BETA)) * + 0.125D0*DLOG((1.0D0 + BETA)/(1.0D0 - BETA))**2 * + 0.500D0*DDILOG((1.0D0 - BETA)/(1.0D0 + BETA)) ) * ) DELTAS = ALPHA/PI*( * 1.0D0/BETA*DLOG((1.0D0 + BETA)/(1.0D0 - BETA)) * + (1.0D0 + BETA**2)/(4.0D0*BETA) * *DLOG((1.0D0 - BETA**2)/4.0D0) * *DLOG((1.0D0 + BETA)/(1.0D0 - BETA)) * + (1.0D0 + BETA**2)/(4.0D0*BETA) * *( DDILOG(BETA) - DDILOG(-BETA) * - 0.5D0*DDILOG(0.5D0*(1.0D0 + BETA)) * + 0.5D0*DDILOG(0.5D0*(1.0D0 - BETA)) ) * ) C C Generate the 4-momenta, according to two-body phase-space. C WEIGHT = TWOBOD(P4PSI, P4LP, P4LM, MPSI, ML, ML) C C Calculate the lowest order matrix element. C DO 100 I = 1,4 P4G(I) = 0.0D0 100 CONTINUE CALL PSIHEL(P4LP, P4LM, P4G, LAMBDA, * P12, P1K, P2K, KK, P1P1, P2P2) F0 = 16.0D0*PI*ALPHA*(2.0D0*P12 + 0.5D0*MPSI**2) C C Calculate the "magnetic" term C FM = 16.0D0*ALPHA**2*ML**2/BETA * * DLOG((1.0D0 + BETA)/(1.0D0 - BETA)) C C Now combine these corrections into the corrected matrix element C F1 = F0*(1.0D0 + DELTAV + DELTAS) - FM C C Save the differential rates for testing C GAM0 = WEIGHT * F0 /(2.0D0*MPSI)/(2.0D0*PI)**2 GAMS = WEIGHT * F1 /(2.0D0*MPSI)/(2.0D0*PI)**2 C C Calculate the differential decay rate using Fermi's Golden Rule C DKPSIS = WEIGHT * F1 /(2.0D0*MPSI)/(2.0D0*PI)**2 RETURN END