* * $Id$ * * $Log$ * Revision 1.1 2000/06/19 20:00:40 eugenio * Initial revision * * Revision 1994/10/08 02:21:37 zfiles * first version of qqlib in CVS * * #include "sys/CLEO_machine.h" #include "pilot.h" *CMZ : 1.04/00 04/10/94 22.12.57 by Paul Avery *CMZ : 1.03/60 16/03/93 11.56.38 by Peter C Kim *CMZ : 1.03/57 15/02/93 15.56.28 by Peter C Kim *-- Author : D. Coffman 15/02/93 SUBROUTINE PSIGEN(P4PSI, MPSI, MATRX, * KLOW, ML, P4LP, * P4LM, P4G, ND, * LMODE) C....................................................................... C. PSIGEN - Generate 4-momenta for the decay J/psi --> l+ l- (photon) C. C. Inputs : C. MPSI Mass of J/psi C. P4PSI Four momentum of J/psi C. MATRX Specification of polarization C. KLOW Low energy cut-off parameter C. ML Mass of lepton C. LMODE Flag for type of leptons to be produced C. C. Outputs : C. P4LP Four momentum of positive lepton C. P4LM Four momentum of negative lepton C. P4G Four momentum of photon (if generated) C. ND No. of daughters produced C. C. Calls : DKPSIS, DKPSIH C. Called : PSILLG C. C... This routine decays a (possibly) polarized J/psi to a lepton pair. C... O(alpha) radiative corrections are included. C... The polarization is specified through the value of MATRX: C... MATRX = 41 ==> No polarization C... MATRX = 42 ==> Transverse polarization (helicity = +/- 1) C... MATRX = 43 ==> Longitudinal polarization (helicity = 0) C... C... D. Coffman 1/29/93 C....................................................................... #if defined(CLEO_TYPECHECK) IMPLICIT NONE #endif C C Declare the arguments C DOUBLE PRECISION P4PSI(4) DOUBLE PRECISION MPSI INTEGER MATRX DOUBLE PRECISION KLOW DOUBLE PRECISION ML DOUBLE PRECISION P4LP(4) DOUBLE PRECISION P4LM(4) DOUBLE PRECISION P4G(4) INTEGER ND INTEGER LMODE C C Declare the random number generator C INTEGER ISEED COMMON/RANDM/ISEED REAL RANP EXTERNAL RANP C C If the same random number is needed more than once, its value is stored C in the variable rho C REAL RHO C C P0 is the 4-momentum of the J/psi in its own rest frame. C DOUBLE PRECISION P0(4) C C The J/psi helicity is given by the parameter C lambda = inner_product_of J/psi momentum and spin_direction C INTEGER LAMBDA REAL ONEOF3, TWOOF3 PARAMETER(ONEOF3 = 1.0/3.0, TWOOF3 = 2.0/3.0) C C The approximate --- guessed! --- values of the soft and hard decay C rates are given here. Note that the values are in fact a guess at the C RATIO of these rates. The values given, as long as they are not C zero, do not effect the final result, just the efficiency of the C final weighted-rejection step. (This step is indicated in the code.) C The values given here are appropriate for a soft photon cut-off C of 1 MeV. C DOUBLE PRECISION GS(2) / 0.5D0, 0.8D0 / DOUBLE PRECISION GH(2) / 0.8D0, 0.2D0 / SAVE GS, GH C C These functions do the actual simulation: C DKPSIS = decay J/psi without an additional photon C DKPSIH = decay J/psi with an additional photon of energy greater C than the cut-off value. C The values returned are appropriate weights. C DOUBLE PRECISION DKPSIS, DKPSIH C C These two variables are used for the final weighted-rejection step. C weight is based on the value returned by decay function. C maxwgt is the maximum value of this weight; its value is determined C by trial-and-error. In other words, its value was set to a very C small value, and a very large sample of events generated. C DOUBLE PRECISION WEIGHT DOUBLE PRECISION MAXWGT(2) / 0.01342D0, 0.01300D0 / SAVE MAXWGT C C The final state momenta have to be rotated into the lab frame coordinate C system. The magnitude of the rotation is given in these variables. C DOUBLE PRECISION PAMAG DOUBLE PRECISION COSTHA, SINTHA DOUBLE PRECISION COSPHA, SINPHA DOUBLE PRECISION PCX, PCY, PCZ C C This common was used during the above procedure. In normal operation, C it should remain "commented out". C C DOUBLE PRECISION MAXWGT(2) C COMMON /WGTMAX/ MAXWGT C C This common is testing, debugging, purposes C DOUBLE PRECISION PSVOL, SUMPS DOUBLE PRECISION GAM0, GAMS, GAMH DOUBLE PRECISION SUM0, SUMS, SUMH DOUBLE PRECISION SUM20, SUM2S, SUM2H INTEGER NUMW, NUMS, NUMH COMMON /TESTIT/ GAM0, GAMS, GAMH, + SUM0, SUMS, SUMH, + SUM20, SUM2S, SUM2H, + PSVOL, SUMPS, + NUMW, NUMS, NUMH C--------------------------------------------------------------- C Executable code starts here C--------------------------------------------------------------- C C Select the helicity based on the value of MATRX supplied C IF(MATRX .EQ. 43) THEN LAMBDA = 0 ELSE IF(MATRX .EQ. 42) THEN IF(RANP(ISEED) .GE. 0.5) THEN LAMBDA = 1 ELSE LAMBDA = -1 ENDIF ELSE IF(MATRX .EQ. 41) THEN RHO = RANP(ISEED) IF(RHO .LE. ONEOF3) THEN LAMBDA = 1 ELSE IF(RHO .LE. TWOOF3) THEN LAMBDA = 0 ELSE LAMBDA = -1 ENDIF ENDIF C C This is the top of the event generation loop: C 100 CONTINUE NUMW = NUMW + 1 C C Load up the initial momentum C P0(1) = 0.0D0 P0(2) = 0.0D0 P0(3) = 0.0D0 P0(4) = MPSI C C Decide whether to generate a soft or hard event, then perform the C generation. C IF(RANP(ISEED) .LE. GS(LMODE)/(GS(LMODE) + GH(LMODE))) THEN C C "Soft" or non-radiative event: C WEIGHT = DKPSIS(P0, MPSI, LAMBDA, + KLOW, ML, P4LP, P4LM) C C Update the counters C SUM0 = SUM0 + GAM0 SUM20 = SUM20 + GAM0**2 SUMS = SUMS + GAMS SUM2S = SUM2S + GAMS**2 NUMS = NUMS + 1 C C Correct the weight C WEIGHT = WEIGHT * (GS(LMODE) + GH(LMODE))/GS(LMODE) C C Save the number of daughter particles C ND = 2 ELSE C C "Hard" or radiative event: C WEIGHT = DKPSIH(P0, MPSI, LAMBDA, + KLOW, ML, P4LP, + P4LM, P4G) SUMH = SUMH + GAMH SUM2H = SUM2H + GAMH**2 SUMPS = SUMPS + PSVOL NUMH = NUMH + 1 WEIGHT = WEIGHT * (GS(LMODE) + GH(LMODE))/GH(LMODE) ND = 3 ENDIF C C The next line is used for determining the maximum weight C C MAXWGT(LMODE) = DMAX1(MAXWGT(LMODE), WEIGHT) C C This is the final weighted-rejection step C IF(RANP(ISEED) .GT. WEIGHT/MAXWGT(LMODE)) GOTO 100 C C The event is accepted! C So far, all quantities have been defined in the J/psi rest frame. C Now rotate the 4-momenta into the lab frame coordinate system. C PAMAG = DSQRT(P4PSI(1)**2 + P4PSI(2)**2 + P4PSI(3)**2) IF(PAMAG .NE. 0.0D0) THEN COSTHA = P4PSI(3)/PAMAG SINTHA = DMAX1(-1.0D0, DMIN1(1.0D0, DSQRT(1.0D0 - COSTHA**2))) COSPHA = P4PSI(1)/(PAMAG*SINTHA) SINPHA = P4PSI(2)/(PAMAG*SINTHA) PCX = P4LP(1) PCY = P4LP(2) PCZ = P4LP(3) P4LP(1) = PCX*COSTHA*COSPHA - PCY*SINPHA + PCZ*SINTHA*COSPHA P4LP(2) = PCX*COSTHA*SINPHA + PCY*COSPHA + PCZ*SINTHA*SINPHA P4LP(3) = -PCX*SINTHA + PCZ*COSTHA PCX = P4LM(1) PCY = P4LM(2) PCZ = P4LM(3) P4LM(1) = PCX*COSTHA*COSPHA - PCY*SINPHA + PCZ*SINTHA*COSPHA P4LM(2) = PCX*COSTHA*SINPHA + PCY*COSPHA + PCZ*SINTHA*SINPHA P4LM(3) = -PCX*SINTHA + PCZ*COSTHA IF(ND .EQ. 3) THEN PCX = P4G(1) PCY = P4G(2) PCZ = P4G(3) P4G(1) = PCX*COSTHA*COSPHA - PCY*SINPHA + PCZ*SINTHA*COSPHA P4G(2) = PCX*COSTHA*SINPHA + PCY*COSPHA + PCZ*SINTHA*SINPHA P4G(3) = -PCX*SINTHA + PCZ*COSTHA ENDIF ENDIF C C Boost the momenta to the lab frame. C CALL EBOOST(MPSI, P4PSI, P4LP) CALL EBOOST(MPSI, P4PSI, P4LM) IF(ND .EQ. 3) THEN CALL EBOOST(MPSI, P4PSI, P4G) ENDIF C C That's it! C RETURN END