* * $Id$ * * $Log$ * Revision 1.1 2000/06/19 20:00:40 eugenio * Initial revision * * Revision 1994/10/08 02:21:37 zfiles * first version of qqlib in CVS * * #include "sys/CLEO_machine.h" #include "pilot.h" *CMZ : 1.04/00 04/10/94 22.12.48 by Paul Avery *CMZ : 1.03/60 16/03/93 11.57.27 by Peter C Kim *CMZ : 1.03/57 15/02/93 17.04.29 by Peter C Kim *-- Author : D. Coffman 15/02/93 * 16/10/96 Lynn Garren: Add double precision conditionals. * 18/11/96 Rob Kutschke: Don't truncate to single precision. SUBROUTINE PSILLG(NP,NQ,KID,XM,KQ,ID,CMAS,T,IT,ND,PQ,MATRX,IER) C....................................................................... C. C. PSILLG - Simulate the decay J/psi --> l+ l- (photon) C. C. Inputs : C. NP No. of daughter particles including quarks (Input and Output) C. KID Particle ID of daughters (Input and Output) C. XM Mass of daughters (Input and Output) C. ID Particle ID of parents C. CMAS Mass of parent C. T Four momentum of parent C. IT SU(5) specification of parent (Not used) C. ND No. of dauthter particles, excluding quarks (Input and output) C. MATRX Specification of polarization C. C... The polarization is specified through the value of MATRX: C... MATRX = 41 ==> No polarization C... MATRX = 42 ==> Transverse polarization (helicity = +/- 1) C... MATRX = 43 ==> Longitudinal polarization (helicity = 0) C. Outputs : C. NQ No. of quark type daughters (Set to zero) C. KQ Storage for quarks (Not used) C. PQ Lab frame four momenta of the daughters C. C. Calls : PSIGEN C. Called : DECAY C... C... This is the driver routine --- QQ interface --- for the J/psi C... decay package. C... Note that the number and type of daughter particles will be C... modified if an additional photon is generated. C... C... D. Coffman 1/29/93 C....................................................................... #if defined(CLEO_TYPECHEK) IMPLICIT NONE #endif C C Declare the arguments C INTEGER KID(30),KQ(2,5) #if defined(NONCLEO_DOUBLE) DOUBLE PRECISION T(4),XM(30),PQ(4,30) INTEGER NP, NQ, ID, IT, ND, MATRX, IER DOUBLE PRECISION CMAS #else REAL T(4),XM(30),PQ(4,30) INTEGER NP, NQ, ID, IT, ND, MATRX, IER REAL CMAS #endif C C Local declarations C CHARACTER*(*) CRNAME PARAMETER( CRNAME = 'PSILLG' ) C C Declare the 4-momenta C DOUBLE PRECISION P4PSI(4) DOUBLE PRECISION P4LP(4), P4LM(4), P4G(4) DOUBLE PRECISION MPSI, ML C C This is the low-energy cut-off parameter. DOUBLE PRECISION KLOW PARAMETER(KLOW = 0.001D0) C C This variable flags the type of leptons to be produced: C lmode = 1 ==> electron C lmode = 2 ==> muons C INTEGER LMODE C C Sundry variables C INTEGER J C------------------------------------------------------------------- C Executable code starts here C------------------------------------------------------------------- C C First check the arguments to make sure that they are correct C Particle type 1 ==> photon C Particle type 7 ==> e- C Particle type 8 ==> e+ C Particle type 11 ==> mu- C Particle type 12 ==> mu+ C Particle type 94 ==> J/psi C C Make sure the parent is a J/psi or Psi' C Require two and only two non-quark daughters C IER = 1 IF (ID .NE. 94. AND. ID.NE.219) RETURN IF (NP .NE. 2 .OR. NQ .NE. 0) RETURN C C Require the daughters to be a lepton pair C IF (KID(1) .EQ. 7 .AND. KID(2) .EQ. 8) THEN LMODE = 1 ELSEIF(KID(1) .EQ. 8 .AND. KID(2) .EQ. 7) THEN LMODE = 1 ELSEIF(KID(1) .EQ. 11 .AND. KID(2) .EQ. 12) THEN LMODE = 2 ELSEIF(KID(1) .EQ. 12 .AND. KID(2) .EQ. 11) THEN LMODE = 2 ELSE RETURN ENDIF C C Look up the J/psi and daughter momenta C MPSI = DBLE(CMAS) ML = DBLE(XM(1)) DO 10, J = 1,4 P4PSI(J) = DBLE(T(J)) 10 CONTINUE C C Generate the daughter momenta C CALL PSIGEN(P4PSI, MPSI, MATRX, * KLOW, ML, P4LP, * P4LM, P4G, ND, LMODE) C C Store the 4-momenta C First lepton: C IF(KID(1) .EQ. 8 .OR. KID(1) .EQ. 12) THEN DO 20 J = 1,4 #if defined(NONCLEO_DOUBLE) PQ(J, 1) = P4LP(J) #else PQ(J, 1) = SNGL(P4LP(J)) #endif 20 CONTINUE ELSE DO 30 J = 1,4 #if defined(NONCLEO_DOUBLE) PQ(J, 1) = P4LM(J) #else PQ(J, 1) = SNGL(P4LM(J)) #endif 30 CONTINUE ENDIF C C Second lepton: C IF(KID(2) .EQ. 8 .OR. KID(2) .EQ. 12) THEN DO 40 J = 1,4 #if defined(NONCLEO_DOUBLE) PQ(J, 2) = P4LP(J) #else PQ(J, 2) = SNGL(P4LP(J)) #endif 40 CONTINUE ELSE DO 50 J = 1,4 #if defined(NONCLEO_DOUBLE) PQ(J, 2) = P4LM(J) #else PQ(J, 2) = SNGL(P4LM(J)) #endif 50 CONTINUE ENDIF C C Photon (if one was generated) C IF(ND .EQ. 3) THEN NP = 3 KID(3) = 1 XM(3) = 0.0 DO 60 J = 1,4 #if defined(NONCLEO_DOUBLE) PQ(J, 3) = P4G(J) #else PQ(J, 3) = SNGL(P4G(J)) #endif 60 CONTINUE ENDIF C C Reset the error flag and return C IER = 0 RETURN END