* * $Id$ * * $Log$ * Revision 1.1 2000/06/19 20:00:41 eugenio * Initial revision * * Revision 1994/10/08 02:21:30 zfiles * first version of qqlib in CVS * * #include "sys/CLEO_machine.h" #include "pilot.h" *CMZ : 1.04/00 22/09/94 00.14.36 by Paul Avery *CMZ : 1.02/00 22/11/90 15.18.54 by Phil Rubin *CMZ : 12/10/90 08.54.49 by Phil Rubin * 30/10/96 Lynn Garren: Add double precision conditionals. * Note that XLIST is unused. SUBROUTINE MCMXCP(IPD, ND, IDPRNT) C >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> C MCMXCP does mixing and CP violation through the mixing mechanism C C IPD integer variable (read) C Position of parent particle in K list C C ND integer variable (read) C Number of daughters C C IDPRNT integer variable (read) C Decay channel of parent (position in BRLIST) C >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> #if defined(CLEO_TYPECHEK) IMPLICIT NONE #endif #include "seq/clinc/qqpars.inc" #include "seq/clinc/qqprop.inc" #include "qqlib/seq/qqbrat.inc" #include "qqlib/seq/mcgen.inc" #include "qqlib/seq/qqmxcp.inc" C Calling arguments INTEGER IPD, ND, IDPRNT C External declarations REAL RANP EXTERNAL RANP C Local variables CHARACTER*(*) CRNAME PARAMETER( CRNAME = 'MCMXCP' ) INTEGER MLIST PARAMETER (MLIST = 200) INTEGER I, ID, ID1, ID2, ITPAR, ICO, IDC, ICHAN, ICPIDC, ITAG #if defined(NONCLEO_DOUBLE) DOUBLE PRECISION CTTI(2), DCTT, SCTT, CTT, PNMX, XMIX, SINPHI DOUBLE PRECISION CT, T12, ASYM REAL XRND #else REAL XRND, CTTI(2), DCTT, SCTT, CTT, PNMX, XMIX, SINPHI, ASYM REAL CT, T12, XLIST(MLIST) #endif C >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> C. Parent type ITPAR = K(IPD,2) C. Charge parity of parent ICO = CPARTY(ITPAR) C. Assign particle (anti-particle) identification 1 (2) ID1 = K(IPD+1,2) ID2 = K(IPD+2,2) C. Two possible cases C. 1. ND = 2, coherent state (C parity .NE.+-1), daughters mix into each other C. 2. All others; mixing handled independently for each particle IF(ND.NE.2 .OR. ND.EQ.2 .AND. * (ABS(ICO).NE.1 .OR.IMIXPP(ID1).NE.ID2) ) THEN C. Case 2 P(t) = exp(-t/tau) * [1 + cos(x*t/tau)] / 2 (Particle) C. P(t) = exp(-t/tau) * [1 - cos(x*t/tau)] / 2 (Antiparticle) DO 20 I=1,ND ID = K(IPD+I,2) C.***PDR*** IF(CTAU(ID).LE.0. .OR. RMIXPP(ID) .EQ. 0.) GOTO 20 IF(CTAU(ID) .LE. 0. .OR. 1 CTTAU(IPD + I) .NE. 0. .OR. 2 RMIXPP(ID) .EQ. 0.) GOTO 20 C.***PDR*** CT = -CTAU(ID) * ALOG(RANP(0)) IF(RANP(0) .GT. 0.5*(1. + COS(RMIXPP(ID)*CT/CTAU(ID)))) THEN K(IPD+I,2) = IMIXPP(ID) ENDIF CTTAU(IPD+I) = CT 20 CONTINUE GOTO 1000 ENDIF C. Case 1: Coherent mixing C. Quit if no mixing or daughters do not mix into each other IF(IMIXPP(ID1).NE.ID2 .OR. RMIXPP(ID1).EQ.0.) GOTO 1000 XMIX = RMIXPP(ID1) C. It is necessary to decay both particles in advance. If there is CP C. violation in addition to mixing, then we must know the magnitude of C. sin(phi), the CP parameter describing the magnitude of CP violation. C. Get decay lengths, their differences, and their sums CTTI(1) = -CTAU(ID1) * ALOG(RANP(0)) CTTI(2) = -CTAU(ID2) * ALOG(RANP(0)) DCTT = CTTI(2) - CTTI(1) SCTT = CTTI(2) + CTTI(1) C C. If CP eigenstates defined for both particles, use CP formalism IF(IPLIST(4,ID1).GT.0 .AND. IPLIST(4,ID2).GT.0) THEN C. Pick out a CP decay using branching fractions IDC = IPLIST(3,ID1) - 1 XRND = RANP(0) 80 IDC = IDC + 1 IF(CPLIST(IDC) .LT. XRND) GOTO 80 ICPIDC = ICPLST(IDC) C. CP asymmetry SINPHI = CPSNPH(IDC) C. f = CP eigenstate C. T = tag for B0 C. TB = tag for B0B C. F = exp[-Gam(t1+t2)] * |A|**2 * |B|**2 * (1 + |r|**2) / 2 C. A = C. AB = C. B = C. r = AB / A C. diff = (1 - |r|**2) / (1 + |r|**2) C. eps = (p/q) * A*(AB*) * (|A|**2 + |AB|**2) C. C. Note that for 1 amplitude, |r| = 1, diff = 0, Im(eps) = sin(2phi) C. C. For odd C state there are 4 possibilities (dt = t2 - t1) C. N1 = f(t1) T(t2) = F * {1 - diff*cos(DM*dt) + sin(DM*dt)*Im(eps)} C. N2 = T(t1) f(t2) = F * {1 - diff*cos(DM*dt) - sin(DM*dt)*Im(eps)} C. N3 = f(t1) TB(t2) = F * {1 + diff*cos(DM*dt) - sin(DM*dt)*Im(eps)} C. N4 = TB(t1) f(t2) = F * {1 + diff*cos(DM*dt) + sin(DM*dt)*Im(eps)} IF (ICO .EQ. -1) THEN C C. Prob(RAN > ASYM) = 1 - sin(2phi)*sin(DM*dt) (N2 & N3) C. Prob(RAN < ASYM) = 1 + sin(2phi)*sin(DM*dt) (N1 & N4) XRND = 2. * RANP(0) - 1.0 ASYM = SINPHI * SIN(XMIX * DCTT / CTAU(ID1)) C.***PDR*** 22 Nov 1990 IF(XRND .GT. ASYM) THEN CTT = CTTI(1) CTTI(1) = CTTI(2) CTTI(2) = CTT ENDIF IF(DCTT .LT. 0) THEN ITAG = ID2 ELSE ITAG = ID1 ENDIF C.***PDR*** C C. For even C state there are 4 possibilities (st = t2 + t1) C. N1 = f(t1) T(t2) = F * {1 - diff*cos(DM*st) + sin(DM*st)*Im(eps)} C. N2 = T(t1) f(t2) = F * {1 - diff*cos(DM*st) + sin(DM*st)*Im(eps)} C. N3 = f(t1) TB(t2) = F * {1 + diff*cos(DM*st) - sin(DM*st)*Im(eps)} C. N4 = TB(t1) f(t2) = F * {1 + diff*cos(DM*st) - sin(DM*st)*Im(eps)} ELSE IF(ICO .EQ. +1) THEN C C. Prob(RAN > ASYM) = 1 - sin(2phi)*sin(DM*st) (N2 & N3) C. Prob(RAN < ASYM) = 1 + sin(2phi)*sin(DM*st) (N1 & N4) XRND = 2. * RANP(0) - 1.0 ASYM = SINPHI * SIN(XMIX * SCTT / CTAU(ID1)) IF(XRND .GT. ASYM) THEN ITAG = ID2 ELSE ITAG = ID1 ENDIF C C. End C state check ENDIF C C. Decay tagging particle (but not into CP eigenstate if CPTAG set) 59 XRND = RANP(0) IDC = IPLIST(1,ITAG) - 1 60 IDC = IDC + 1 IF(XRND .GT. BRLIST(IDC)) GOTO 60 IF(LCPTAG(IDPRNT) .AND. MLLIST(8,IDC).GT.0) GOTO 59 C.***PDR*** 22 NOV 1990 IF (ITAG .EQ. ID1) THEN ILDECA(IPD+2) = ICPIDC ILDECA(IPD+1) = IDC ELSE ILDECA(IPD+1) = ICPIDC ILDECA(IPD+2) = IDC ENDIF C.***PDR*** C C. Fill in decay length CTTAU(IPD+1) = CTTI(1) CTTAU(IPD+2) = CTTI(2) C C. If no CP, then do mixing. Use t12 = t1 +- t2 C. Using equations for coherent state, we have 4 possible final states C. B0 B0B P(t1,t2) = exp[-(t1+t2)/tau] * [1 + cos(x*t12] / 4 C. B0B B0 P(t1,t2) = exp[-(t1+t2)/tau] * [1 + cos(x*t12] / 4 C. B0 B0 P(t1,t2) = exp[-(t1+t2)/tau] * [1 - cos(x*t12] / 4 C. B0B B0B P(t1,t2) = exp[-(t1+t2)/tau] * [1 - cos(x*t12] / 4 C. C. We consider the first two to be equivalent and correspond to no mixing ELSE C C. Calculate probability of B0 B0 or B0B B0B; compare with random number [0, 1] IF(ICO .EQ. +1) THEN T12 = SCTT ELSE T12 = DCTT ENDIF PNMX = 0.5 * (1. + COS(XMIX * T12 / CTAU(ID2))) IF (RANP(0) .GT. PNMX) THEN IF(RANP(0) .GT. 0.5) THEN K(IPD+1,2) = ID1 K(IPD+2,2) = ID1 ELSE K(IPD+1,2) = ID2 K(IPD+2,2) = ID2 ENDIF ENDIF CTTAU(IPD+1) = CTTI(1) CTTAU(IPD+2) = CTTI(2) C C. End CP, mixing check ENDIF C Only exit 1000 RETURN END