* * $Id$ * * $Log$ * Revision 1.1 2000/06/19 20:00:42 eugenio * Initial revision * * Revision 1994/10/08 02:21:30 zfiles * first version of qqlib in CVS * * #include "sys/CLEO_machine.h" #include "pilot.h" *CMZ : 1.04/00 22/09/94 00.17.02 by Paul Avery *CMZ : 17/03/94 21.42.58 by Paul Avery * 28/10/96 L. Garren: Add double precision conditionals. SUBROUTINE QQCHNL(TYPE, IPD, ICHAN, NDAU, LIST, MATRX, NMATRX, * XMATRX, IDC, IHEL, HEL) C >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> C Chooose decay channel and return information about the decay, including C the list of daughters, polarizations, etc. C >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> #if defined(CLEO_TYPECHEK) IMPLICIT NONE #endif C #include "seq/clinc/qqpars.inc" #include "seq/clinc/qqprop.inc" #include "seq/clinc/qqtrak.inc" #include "qqlib/seq/qqbrat.inc" #include "qqlib/seq/mcgen.inc" #include "qqlib/seq/qqmxcp.inc" * C External declarations REAL RANP EXTERNAL RANP C Calling arguments INTEGER TYPE, IPD, ICHAN, NDAU, LIST(*), MATRX, NMATRX, IHEL, IDC #if defined(NONCLEO_DOUBLE) DOUBLE PRECISION XMATRX(7) REAL HEL #else REAL XMATRX(7), HEL #endif C Local variables INTEGER I, IDCSAV, IPOL, NPOL, NHEL, JPPAR, INDX REAL TBR, R * C >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> C choose decay channel ==> decay products (particles and quark jets) TBR = RANP(0) IDC = IPLIST(1,TYPE) - 1 IDCSAV = IDC C If decay channel already decided in mixing/CP routine, use it. C Otherwise find one. IF(IPD .GT. 0) THEN IF(ILDECA(IPD) .GT. 0) THEN IDC = ILDECA(IPD) ELSE 90 IDC = IDC + 1 IF(TBR .GT. BRLIST(IDC)) GOTO 90 ENDIF ELSE 100 IDC = IDC + 1 IF(TBR .GT. BRLIST(IDC)) GOTO 100 ENDIF C Return decay channel ICHAN = IDC - IDCSAV C Get daughters stored in IDLIST C MATRX = Matrix element type (0 for pure phase space) C NDAU = # daughters C JPPAR = Position in IDLIST of first daughter C IPOL = pointer to helicity angular distribution database (if parent is C polarized) C NPOL = # of defined helicity angular distributions for this decay C IHEL = pointer to final state helicity probability list (0 if none) C NHEL = # of helicity decay states (each with its own probability) NDAU = MLLIST(1,IDC) JPPAR = MLLIST(2,IDC) MATRX = MLLIST(3,IDC) NHEL = MLLIST(4,IDC) NPOL = MLLIST(5,IDC) IHEL = MLLIST(6,IDC) IPOL = MLLIST(7,IDC) C Get daughters DO 140 I=1,NDAU LIST(I) = IDLIST(JPPAR+I-1) 140 CONTINUE C HELCQQ is helicity picked up from parent decay C Get angular distribution from helicity given to us by parent decay NMATRX = 0 #if defined(NONCLEO_DOUBLE) DO I=1,7 XMATRX(I)=0.D0 ENDDO #else CALL VZERO(XMATRX, 7) #endif IF(IPD .GT. 0) THEN HEL = HELCQQ(IPD) ELSE HEL = -999. ENDIF IF (IPOL.GT.0 .AND. ABS(HEL).LT.100) THEN DO 150 I=1,NPOL INDX = IPOL + I - 1 IF(HEL .EQ. HELANG(INDX)) THEN NMATRX = 7 XMATRX(1) = COFANG(1,INDX) XMATRX(2) = COFANG(2,INDX) XMATRX(3) = COFANG(3,INDX) XMATRX(4) = COFANG(4,INDX) XMATRX(5) = COFANG(5,INDX) XMATRX(6) = COFANG(6,INDX) XMATRX(7) = COFANG(7,INDX) GOTO 151 ENDIF 150 CONTINUE 151 CONTINUE C Otherwise get it from stored distribution ELSE NMATRX = 7 XMATRX(1) = AGLIST(1,IDC) XMATRX(2) = AGLIST(2,IDC) XMATRX(3) = AGLIST(3,IDC) XMATRX(4) = AGLIST(4,IDC) XMATRX(5) = AGLIST(5,IDC) XMATRX(6) = AGLIST(6,IDC) XMATRX(7) = AGLIST(7,IDC) ENDIF RETURN END