* * $Id$ * * $Log$ * Revision 1.1 2000/06/19 20:00:42 eugenio * Initial revision * * Revision 1994/10/08 02:21:30 zfiles * first version of qqlib in CVS * * #include "sys/CLEO_machine.h" #include "pilot.h" *CMZ : 1.04/00 22/09/94 00.15.03 by Paul Avery *CMZ : 1.03/71 01/12/93 11.09.54 by Lynn Garren *CMZ : 1.00/00 14/06/90 14.26.24 by Paul Avery *CMZ : 19/05/90 14.51.01 by Jorge L. Rodriguez *>> Author : * 16/10/96 Lynn Garren: Add double precision conditionals. SUBROUTINE WJET(ECM,NDD,KQ,PQ,KID,XM,PTSIG) #if defined(CLEO_TYPECHEK) IMPLICIT NONE #endif C --------------------------------------------------------------------------- C This routine generates qqbar jet decays of two arbitrarily flavored C quarks of invariant mass ECM. If the quarks come from W decay, you C should pass quark flavors appropriate for charged currents. C The jet axis is always the z axis. You must rotate and C boost the resulting system to get the particle momenta in the frame C of choice. C Variables with ** by them are required as inputs to WJET. C**ECM : The invariant mass of the two quark system. C**NDD : The number of daughters. The value of NDD returned by WJET C will be the total number of daughters including the 'D'. C**KQ(1,1),KQ(2,1): The array containing the flavors of the two quarks C involved in the decay. C**PTSIG: The sigma of the PT distribution. C PQ: The momenta of the daughters. C KID: Particle ID array for the daughters. C XM: Array of masses for the daughters. C --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "qqlib/seq/mcgen.inc" #include "qqlib/seq/qqwjet.inc" C Calling variables INTEGER NDD INTEGER KQ(2,5), KID(30) #if defined(NONCLEO_DOUBLE) DOUBLE PRECISION ECM, PTSIG DOUBLE PRECISION XM(30), PQ(4,30) #else REAL ECM, PTSIG REAL XM(30), PQ(4,30) #endif * C Local variables INTEGER LST, IT, NQJ, ISEED, JT, IFL2, JSGN, ITT, JTT, NJ INTEGER ITV(2,3), KP(30), IFL1(2) #if defined(NONCLEO_DOUBLE) DOUBLE PRECISION SIG, WMAX, PX2, PY2, Z, QMTS, GAMP, XXPT, TINYPT DOUBLE PRECISION PSA, PSB, DSGN DOUBLE PRECISION PX1(2), PY1(2), PMTS(2), W(2), WG(2), GAMM(2) #else REAL SIG, WMAX, PX2, PY2, Z, QMTS, GAMP, XXPT, TINYPT REAL PSA, PSB REAL PX1(2), PY1(2), PMTS(2), W(2), WG(2), GAMM(2) #endif COMMON/GCM/NJ(3),NQJ(3) COMMON/RANDM/ISEED * C External declarations INTEGER KPART, KBPART #if defined(NONCLEO_DOUBLE) DOUBLE PRECISION GETMAS, ZDIST REAL RANP #else REAL GETMAS, ZDIST, RANP #endif EXTERNAL KPART, KBPART, GETMAS, ZDIST, RANP * DATA TINYPT/1.0E-9/ C --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 100 LST = NDD SIG = PTSIG DO 120 IT=1,2 NQJ(IT)= 0 IFL1(IT)= KQ(IT,1) PX1(IT) = 0. PY1(IT) = 0. W(IT) = ECM WG(IT) = ECM GAMM(IT)= 0. 120 CONTINUE C If the CM energy is low, generate only two primary mesons WMAX = BQMAS(IABS(IFL1(1)))+BQMAS(IABS(IFL1(2)))+PAR(IFR+10) IF(W(1)*W(2).LE.(WMAX-(PAR(IFR+10)-PAR(9)) * *RANP(ISEED))**2)GO TO 150 C Choose a side. Generate a quark-antiquark pair and form a meson 130 LST = LST + 1 CKFR JT=1.+2.*RANP(ISEED) Avoid JT=3, 5-MAR-86 JT=1 IF(RANP(ISEED).GT.0.5) JT=2 NQJ(JT)= NQJ(JT)+1 C 21-AUG-80 C Allow baryon generation by also pulling out C of the vacuum diquark systems. C Hanne Kooy, 1-FEB-81, Syrcuse U. C Only allow baryon generation for U, D, S and C quarks. C Check if the now leading parent is a diquark. IF (IABS(IFL1(JT)).LT.10) GO TO 131 C Since it is, form a baryon: IFL2=1+INT(RANP(ISEED)/PUD) C Determine the 3 quarks that make up the baryon JSGN=ISIGN(1,IFL1(JT)) ITT=IABS(IFL1(JT))-9 ITV(1,1)=IQFLV(1,ITT)*JSGN ITV(1,2)=IQFLV(2,ITT)*JSGN ITV(1,3)=IFL2*JSGN C Get baryon flavor KP(LST)=KBRFLV(IABS(IFL1(JT))-9,IFL2) C Get baryon type KID(LST)=KBPART(ITV) C Get right q qbar assignment IFL2=ISIGN(IFL2,IFL1(JT)) GO TO 132 C Not a diquark parent. See if next one will be if enough rapidity C is left over. 131 IF (W(JT).LT.WBAR) GO TO 133 IF (FLIP.LT.RANP(ISEED)) GO TO 133 IF (IABS(IFL1(JT)).GT.4) GO TO 133 C Form a baryon again: CALL DIQFLV(IFL2) C Determine the 3 quarks that make up the baryon JSGN=ISIGN(1,IFL1(JT)) ITV(1,1)=IQFLV(1,IFL2)*JSGN ITV(1,2)=IQFLV(2,IFL2)*JSGN ITV(1,3)=IFL1(JT) KP(LST)=KBRFLV(IFL2,IABS(IFL1(JT))) KID(LST)=KBPART(ITV) IFL2=ISIGN(IFL2+9,IFL1(JT)) GO TO 132 C Not a diquark parent or to be, so form a meson: 133 IFL2=ISIGN(1+INT(RANP(ISEED)/PUD),-IFL1(JT)) KP(LST)=6*MAX0(IFL1(JT),IFL2)-MIN0(IFL1(JT),IFL2)-6 KID(LST)=KPART(KP(LST),INT(PS1+RANP(ISEED))) 132 XM(LST)=GETMAS(KID(LST)) C Generate PT and Z (note constraints). Weighting in GAMMA for IFR=2 PMTS(3-JT)=(BQMAS(IABS(IFL1(3-JT)))+BQMAS(IABS(IFL2)))**2 140 CALL PTDIST(PX2,PY2,SIG) PMTS(JT)=XM(LST)**2+(PX1(JT)+PX2)**2+(PY1(JT)+PY2)**2 IF(PMTS(1)+PMTS(2).GE.PAR(10)*W(1)*W(2)) GOTO 100 Z=ZDIST(IFL1(JT),PMTS(JT)/(W(1)*W(2)),1.-PMTS(3-JT)/(W(1)*W(2))) IF(IFR.NE.2) GOTO 141 QMTS=(BQMAS(IABS(IFL2))-BQMAS(7))**2+PX2**2+PY2**2 GAMP=(1.-Z*W(JT)/WG(JT))*(GAMM(JT)+PMTS(JT)*WG(JT)/(Z*W(JT))) IF(GAMP/(QMTS+GAMP).LT.RANP(ISEED)) GOTO 140 GAMM(JT)=GAMP WG(JT)=WG(JT)-Z*W(JT) 141 CONTINUE C Four-momentum for meson. Remaining flavor and momentum PQ(1,LST)=PX1(JT)+PX2 PQ(2,LST)=PY1(JT)+PY2 PQ(3,LST)=0.5*(Z*W(JT)-PMTS(JT)/(Z*W(JT)))*(-1.)**(JT+1) PQ(4,LST)=0.5*(Z*W(JT)+PMTS(JT)/(Z*W(JT))) IFL1(JT)=-IFL2 PX1(JT)=-PX2 PY1(JT)=-PY2 W(1)=W(1)-PQ(4,LST)-PQ(3,LST) W(2)=W(2)-PQ(4,LST)+PQ(3,LST) C If enough energy left, continue generation WMAX=BQMAS(IABS(IFL1(1)))+BQMAS(IABS(IFL1(2)))+PAR(IFR+10) IF(W(1)*W(2).GE.WMAX**2) GOTO 130 C Generate final quark-antiquark pair. Gives final two mesons 150 LST = LST + 2 C Never end up with a diquark system at the end IF(IABS(IFL1(1)).GE.10.OR.IABS(IFL1(2)).GE.10)GOTO 100 C Also never end up with leftovers of equal sign IF(IFL1(1)*IFL1(2).GT.0)GOTO 100 IFL2=ISIGN(1+INT(RANP(ISEED)/PUD),-IFL1(1)) KP(LST-1)=6*MAX0(IFL1(1),IFL2)-MIN0(IFL1(1),IFL2)-6 KP(LST)=6*MAX0(IFL1(2),-IFL2)-MIN0(IFL1(2),-IFL2)-6 CALL PTDIST(PX2,PY2,SIG) DO 160 JTT=1,2 NQJ(JTT)=NQJ(JTT)+1 KID(LST-2+JTT)=KPART(KP(LST-2+JTT),INT(PS1+RANP(ISEED))) XM(LST-2+JTT)=GETMAS(KID(LST-2+JTT)) PQ(1,LST-2+JTT)=PX1(JTT)+PX2*(-1.)**(JTT+1) PQ(2,LST-2+JTT)=PY1(JTT)+PY2*(-1.)**(JTT+1) PMTS(JTT)=XM(LST-2+JTT)**2+PQ(1,LST-2+JTT)**2+PQ(2,LST-2+JTT)**2 160 CONTINUE C If too low energy, start over again: C C The following code was added 5-sept-85 C because of sqrt of 0 or neg # errors>> PAUL TIPTON XXPT=W(1)*W(2) IF(XXPT.LE.0.) XXPT=TINYPT IF(PMTS(1).LE.0.) PMTS(1)=TINYPT IF(PMTS(2).LE.0.) PMTS(2)=TINYPT C IF(SQRT(W(1)*W(2)).LE.SQRT(PMTS(1))+SQRT(PMTS(2)))GOTO 100 IF(SQRT(XXPT).LE.SQRT(PMTS(1))+SQRT(PMTS(2)))GOTO 100 PSA=W(1)*W(2)+PMTS(1)-PMTS(2) IF ( PSA**2-4.*W(1)*W(2)*PMTS(1) .LT. 0 ) GOTO 100 #if defined(NONCLEO_DOUBLE) DSGN = RANP(ISEED)-PAR(IFR+12) PSB=SIGN(DSQRT(PSA**2-4.*W(1)*W(2)*PMTS(1)),DSGN) #else PSB=SIGN(SQRT(PSA**2-4.*W(1)*W(2)*PMTS(1)), * RANP(ISEED)-PAR(IFR+12)) #endif PQ(3,LST-1)=0.25*((PSA+PSB)/W(2)-(PSA-PSB)/W(1)) PQ(4,LST-1)=0.25*((PSA+PSB)/W(2)+(PSA-PSB)/W(1)) PQ(3,LST)=0.5*(W(1)-W(2))-PQ(3,LST-1) PQ(4,LST)=0.5*(W(1)+W(2))-PQ(4,LST-1) NDD = LST RETURN END