* * $Id$ * * $Log$ * Revision 1.1 2000/06/19 20:00:43 eugenio * Initial revision * * Revision 1994/10/08 02:21:27 zfiles * first version of qqlib in CVS * * #include "sys/CLEO_machine.h" #include "pilot.h" *CMZ : 1.04/00 16/09/94 02.29.22 by Paul Avery *-- Author : Lynn Garren 04/11/93 SUBROUTINE QBJTST C....................................................................... C. C. QBJTST - Initilization of variables for JETSET. C. C. Inputs : NONE C. Outputs : NONE C. C. COMMON : JETSCL C. C. Calls : LBINIT C. Called : QBINIT C. Author : Lynn Garren 04/11/93 C. C. Detailed description C. C....................................................................... #if defined(CLEO_TYPECHEK) IMPLICIT NONE #endif #include "qqlib/seq/jetscl.inc" C=== LOCAL VARIABLES USED FOR DATA INPUT C--------------------------------------------------------------------- C=== JETSET COMMONS C (replaces BLOCK DATA LUDATA) CALL LBINIT C--- CLEO II default assignments C Number of allowed quark flavors (qq=) C MSTJ(104) C (LUND Default = 5 : d,u,s,c,b) C (CLEO Default = 4 : d,u,s,c ) C NFLAV = 4 C Primary quark flavor to generate (qq=) C (0 : mixture of all allowed flavors) C d=1, u=2, s=3, c=4, b=5 C C *** Please note that definition of u and d quarks are C reversed in JETSET versions 7.x from old versions 6.x C IQTYPE = 0 C Initial state Radiative corrections C MSTJ(107) C (LUND Default = 0 : OFF) C (CLEO Default = 1 : ON) ISTRAD = 1 C-- QCD corrections C MSTJ(101) C (LUND Default = 5 : qq= & parton shower) C C *** Any change to this variable must be done in conjunction with the C parameters, a = PARJ(41) and b = PARJ(42), for the LUND string C fragmenatation function. C C LUND default values of MSTJ(101) = 5, a = 0.5, b = 0.9 works well. C 2nd order QCD matrix correction of MSTJ(101) = 2, with a = 1.0 and C b = 0.7 also works fine at PEP/PETRA energy and at 10 GeV. C QCDCOR = 5 C-- Choice of Longitudinal Fragmentation C MSTJ(11) C C 1 : LUND symmetric function C 2 : different forms for each quark (FF or SLAC model) C 3 : Hybrid (LUND symm. function for light quarks and C SLAC(Peterson) for Heavy quarks) C 4 : Mixture of LUND symmetric and Bowler string C C (LUND default = 1 : LUND symm. C CLEO default = 1 : LUND symm.) LFRAG = 1 LUNDAA = 0.4 LUNDBB = 0.9 C *** For SLAC (Peterson) function C C epsilon (c) = (0.3/1.5)**2 = 0.04 PARJ(54) C epsilon (b) = (0.3/5.0)**2 = 0.004 PARJ(55) C C Due to the QED and QCD corrections, the observed momentum distri- C bution will be softer than the shape with the above parameters. C Also note the MINUS sign! C EPSC = -0.04 EPSB = -0.004 C P/V/T ratio for Mesons C (LUND Default) C MSPIN(1) = 0.5 MSPIN(2) = 0.6 MSPIN(3) = 0.75 MSPIN(4) = 0.05 MSPIN(5) = 0.05 MSPIN(6) = 0.05 MSPIN(7) = 0.05 C Switch to turn off particle decay in LUND. C Particles are decayed via QQ, using DECAY.DEC C 0 : OFF --> Decay in QQ C 1 : ON --> Decay in LUND LUNDEC = 0 C Switch to turn on/off of EDITing the particle C list in LUND. If ON, removes quarks, gluons, C showers, and strings. But not the decayed C particles. (See LUEDIT) C 0 : OFF --> NO EDIT C 1 : ON --> EDIT LXEDIT = 1 C Dump LUND event record C 0 (OFF) , 1 (ON) LNDDMP = 0 C Option to boost and rotate the ECM system C using LUROBO. C C BSTECM(1) = theta (polar coordinate) C BSTECM(2) = phi (polar coordinate) C BSTECM(3) = px C BSTECM(4) = py C BSTECM(5) = pz C BSTECM(6) : 0.0 = no boost, 1.0 = boost BSTECM(1) = 0.0 BSTECM(2) = 0.0 BSTECM(3) = 0.0 BSTECM(4) = 0.0 BSTECM(5) = 0.0 BSTECM(6) = 0.0 C Minimum energy for partons where the fragmen- C tation is stopped. EMINFX = 0.30 RETURN END