* * $Id$ * * $Log$ * Revision 1.1 2000/06/19 20:00:51 eugenio * Initial revision * * Revision 1.2 1995/04/25 13:55:08 zfiles * Get 2-photon group version of modusr rather than dummy * * Revision 1994/10/08 02:21:31 zfiles * first version of qqlib in CVS * * #include "sys/CLEO_machine.h" #include "pilot.h" *CMZ : 1.00/00 08/08/90 11.01.55 by Paul Avery *CMZ : 19/05/90 14.41.36 by Jorge L. Rodriguez *>> Author : SUBROUTINE MODUSR C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C Since only the 2-photon group is using the MODUSR option, we replace C the blank subtroutine with the version obtained from MBS. (PCK 4/95) C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C C RAF's attempt to readin a file of initial particles C. The file tobe read from should be assigned to MODFIL: C. NENTRS - number of entries in this set C. IENTRY - This entry C. PIDTYP - PID code for this entry C. PTHIS(4) - Four momentum for this entry C. C. LUNDAT - Input file unit number C. NTHOPN - Number of times MODFIL: is rewound C. NERR - Number of errors sofar C. LFIRST - Flag to make first time call #if defined(CLEO_TYPECHEK) IMPLICIT NONE #endif #include "seq/clinc/qqpars.inc" #include "seq/clinc/qqtrak.inc" #include "seq/clinc/qqvrtx.inc" #include "seq/clinc/qqprop.inc" #include "qqlib/seq/qqbrat.inc" #include "qqlib/seq/mcgen.inc" #include "qqlib/seq/qqluns.inc" #include "qqlib/seq/qqmxcp.inc" #include "seq/clinc/qqbmst.inc" #include "seq/clinc/qqevnt.inc" #include "qqlib/seq/qqcntl.inc" #include "seq/clinc/qqinfo.inc" #include "seq/clinc/qqipcd.inc" * CHARACTER*(*) CRNAME PARAMETER( CRNAME = 'MODUSR' ) C REAL PTHIS(4) INTEGER NENTRS, IENTRY, PIDTYP, LUNDAT, NTHOPN, NERR LOGICAL LFIRST C DATA LFIRST/.TRUE./ C IF(LFIRST)THEN LUNDAT = 30 C. Get unused unit number CALL QQGLUN(LUNDAT) C C Initial opening of input file. #if defined(CLEO_VAX) OPEN(UNIT=LUNDAT,FILE='QQRDIN.QQIN', * STATUS='OLD',READONLY,SHARED) #endif #if defined(CLEO_UNIX) OPEN(UNIT=LUNDAT,FILE='QQRDIN.QQIN',STATUS='OLD') #endif #if defined(CLEO_IBM) OPEN(UNIT=LUNDAT,FILE='QQRDIN.QQIN',STATUS='OLD') #endif LFIRST = .FALSE. ENDIF C C Get number of particle entries for this event 100 READ(LUNDAT,8000,ERR=7000,END=3000) NENTRS WRITE(6,*) ' NENTRS = ', NENTRS IF(NENTRS .LT. 1)GOTO 7001 DO 10 IENTRY = 1, NENTRS READ(LUNDAT,8001,ERR=7002,END=3000)PIDTYP,PTHIS C FILL COMMONS WRITE(6,*) ' PIDTYP = ', PIDTYP WRITE(6,*) ' ', PTHIS(1),PTHIS(2),PTHIS(3),PTHIS(4) N = IENTRY K(N,2) = PIDTYP P(N,1) = PTHIS(1) P(N,2) = PTHIS(2) P(N,3) = PTHIS(3) P(N,4) = PTHIS(4) P(N,5) = AMASS(PIDTYP) 10 CONTINUE CALL DECADD(.FALSE.) C C RETURN GOTO 9000 3000 REWIND LUNDAT NTHOPN = NTHOPN + 1 WRITE(LOUTQQ, 8006) NTHOPN WRITE(6 , 8006) NTHOPN GOTO 100 C C ERROR MESSAGES: 7000 WRITE(LOUTQQ, '('' Error reading MODFIL: NENTRS entry '')') WRITE(6 , '('' Error reading MODFIL: NENTRS entry '')') STOP 7001 WRITE(LOUTQQ, '('' Error reading MODFIL: NENTRS < 1 '')') WRITE(6 , '('' Error reading MODFIL: NENTRS < 1 '')') NERR = NERR + 1 GOTO 7999 7002 WRITE(LOUTQQ,'('' Error reading MODFIL: PIDTYP and P4 '')') WRITE(6 , '('' Error reading MODFIL: PIDTYP and P4 '')') WRITE(LOUTQQ,'('' Will try to find next event in listing '')') WRITE(6 , '('' Will try to find next event in listing '')') NERR = NERR + 1 C C EXIT ERROR MESSAGES 7999 CONTINUE IF(NERR .GT. 100)THEN WRITE(LOUTQQ, '('' Over 100 READ errors for modfil '')') WRITE(6, '('' Over 100 READ errors for modfil '')') WRITE(LOUTQQ, '('' Somethings way wrong, will stop '')') WRITE(6, '('' Somethings way wrong, will stop '')') STOP ENDIF C END ERROR MESAGGES: GOTO 100 C C FORMATS:: 8000 FORMAT(10X,I3) 8001 FORMAT(1X, I6, E12.4, E12.4, E12.4, E12.4) 8006 FORMAT(5X,'**** REWIND INPUT FILE FOR THE ',I5,' TIME. ****') C For write statement to be used with line 8000 read FORMAT 8010 FORMAT(1X,'NENTRS = ',I3) C C ALL EXIT HERE:: 9000 CONTINUE RETURN END