* * $Id$ * * $Log$ * Revision 1.1 2000/06/19 20:00:52 eugenio * Initial revision * * Revision 1.1 1994/10/07 23:57:40 zfiles * New include files for QQ. * * *CMZ : 1.02/61 04/10/94 17.22.38 by Paul Avery *CMZ : 1.03/70 15/10/93 08.44.26 by Paul Avery *CMZ : 08/10/93 16.00.06 by Paul Avery *>> Author : * 14/10/96 Lynn Garren: Change XVTX, TVTX, RVTX from real to double precision. * * >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> * QQVRTX.INC * * QQ vertex list * >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> #if defined(CLEO_CDGDOC) C Contains a list of vertices. When a particle decays, is absorbed C or converts to e+e- a new vertex is created. Various pointers C relate the vertex list to the full particle list in QQTRAK.INC. C C VPROD(IT) is the vertex at which particle IT was produced while C IVDECA(IT) is the vertex at which particle IT either decayed, was C absorbed or converted, or 0 if nothing happened. Conversely, C ITRKIN(IV) is the incoming track to vertex IV or 0 if IV = 1 (the C production vertex has no incoming track). ITRKOU(IV) is the first C outgoing track from vertex IV or 0 if the track is absorbed. C >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>- C * NVRTX # vertices * XVTX X,Y,Z of vertex in meters * TVTX T of vertex in meters * RVTX SQRT(X**2 + Y**2) * ITRKIN Pos. in track list of incoming trk * NTRKOU # outgoing tracks * ITRKOU Position in track list of 1st outgoing track * IVKODE (1=decay, 2=absorbed, 3=photon conv.) #endif INTEGER NVRTX COMMON/QQVRT1/ * NVRTX #if defined(NONCLEO_DOUBLE) DOUBLE PRECISION XVTX, TVTX, RVTX #else REAL XVTX, TVTX, RVTX #endif INTEGER ITRKIN, NTRKOU, ITRKOU, IVKODE COMMON/QQVRT2/ * XVTX(MCVRTX,3), TVTX(MCVRTX), RVTX(MCVRTX), * ITRKIN(MCVRTX), NTRKOU(MCVRTX), ITRKOU(MCVRTX), * IVKODE(MCVRTX) C