subroutine dpmhep(mconv) C...Convert DPMJET event record to and from the HEPEVT common block C...convert (mconv=1) from DPMJET numbering scheme to StdHep numbering scheme C... or (mconv=2) from StdHep numbering scheme to DPMJET numbering scheme C at this time, the particle ID numbers are assumed to be correct. IMPLICIT NONE #include "" #include "" #include "" integer dpmtran external dpmtran integer i,j,l,mconv logical lfirst data lfirst/.true./ save lfirst C...print version number if this is the first call if(lfirst)then call stdversn lfirst=.false. endif if(mconv.EQ.1) then C...convert from DPMJET to HEPEVT nhep = nhkk nevhep = nevhkk if(nhep.le.nmxhep)then do i=1,nhep isthep(i) = isthkk(i) idhep(i) = dpmtran(idhkk(i),mconv) do j=1,2 jmohep(j,i) = jmohkk(j,i) jdahep(j,i) = jdahkk(j,i) enddo do j=1,5 phep(j,i) = phkk(j,i) enddo do j=1,4 vhep(j,i) = vhkk(j,i) enddo enddo else write(lnhout,1001) nhkk,nmxhep i = 0 do l=1,nhkk if(isthkk(l).eq.1 .or. isthkk(l).eq.-1 1 .or. isthkk(l).eq.1001)then i = i+1 if( then write(lnhout,1004) return endif isthep(i) = isthkk(i) idhep(i) = dpmtran(idhkk(i),mconv) do j=1,2 jmohep(j,i) = jmohkk(j,i) jdahep(j,i) = jdahkk(j,i) enddo do j=1,5 phep(j,i) = phkk(j,i) enddo do j=1,4 vhep(j,i) = vhkk(j,i) enddo endif enddo endif elseif(mconv.EQ.2) then C...convert from HEPEVT to DPMJET write(lnhout,1002) else C...unsupported option write(lnhout,1003) endif return 1001 format(' DPMHEP: too many particles (',I4, 1 ') for hepevt common block'/ 2 ' will only save isthkk = 1, -1, and 1001') 1002 format(' DPMHEP: conversion back to DPM not yet enabled') 1003 format(' DPMHEP: unallowed conversion option') 1004 format(' DPMHEP: still too many particles - truncating event') end