subroutine HEPTREE C...Purpose: to write the tree structure of an event C... from the standard common block. C #include "" #include "" integer LSZ PARAMETER (LSZ = 70) integer LMX,I,ND,NL,LDT(LSZ) character*20 CHAD(LSZ),CHAP character*20 stdexpname external stdexpname C...Write header LMX=18 write(lnhout,1100) NEVHEP do I=1,NHEP C...Get the immediate daughters of this particle call STDDAUTRLST(I,ND,LSZ,LDT) if(ND.GT.0)then C...Get particle name, pad it and check it is not too long. CHAP = stdexpname(I,LMX) if(ND.GT.LSZ) write(lnhout,1001) ND,LSZ NL = MIN(ND,LSZ) do J=1,NL C...Get particle name, pad it and check it is not too long. CHAD(J) = stdexpname(LDT(J),LMX) enddo C...Write data for particle/jet. write(lnhout,1200) I,CHAP,(CHAD(K),K=1,NL) endif enddo return C...Format statements for output on unit lnhout: 1001 format(' HEPTREE: the following particle has ',I3,' daughters ', 1 '- ',I2,' will be printed') 1100 format(///18X,'Event tree (HEP format)',12X,'Event: ',I8) 1200 format(1X,I4,2X,A18,' -> ',5(A18,2X)/29X,5(A18,2X) 1 /29X,5(A18,2X)/29X,5(A18,2X)/29X,5(A18,2X)/29X,5(A18,2X) 2 /29X,5(A18,2X)/29X,5(A18,2X)/29X,5(A18,2X)/29X,5(A18,2X) 3 /29X,5(A18,2X)/29X,5(A18,2X)/29X,5(A18,2X)/29X,5(A18,2X)) end