subroutine HWGHEP(mconv) C...Purpose: to convert HERWIG event record contents to or from C...the standard event record common block. C...convert (mconv=1) from HERWIG numbering scheme to PDG numbering scheme C... or (mconv=2) from PDG numbering scheme to HERWIG numbering scheme C...Only IDHEP needs to be changed C 1/28/98 - Overwrite particle ID as used in Herwig #include "" integer itmp,hwtran,mconv,I,J logical lfirst data lfirst/.TRUE./ save lfirst C...print version number if this is the first call if(lfirst)then call stdversn lfirst=.FALSE. endif C...Conversion from HERWIG to standard. if(mconv.EQ.1) then do 140 I=1,NHEP if(IDHEP(I).NE.0)then itmp=IDHEP(I) IDHEP(I) = hwtran(itmp,1) elseif(IDHW(I).EQ.20)then C...???? IDHEP(I)=89 elseif(IDHW(I).LE.18)then C...the oddball intermediate states IDHEP(I)=IDHW(I)+67 else C...undefined IDHEP(I)=0 endif 140 CONTINUE C...Conversion from standard to HERWIG. elseif(mconv.EQ.2)then do 180 I=1,NHEP itmp=IDHEP(I) IDHEP(I) = hwtran(itmp,2) 180 CONTINUE endif return end