subroutine pdgprtb(ityp,lun) C C print mass and width table from appropriate common block C actions: C ITYP = 1 print table to LUN in STD format C ITYP = 2 print table to LUN in PDG format C #include "" #include "" #include "" C integer lun,ityp,i C if(ityp.eq.1)then write(lun,101) do i=1,nmxln if(idt(i).ne.0) write(lun,103) idt(i),stname(i),stmass(i), 1 stmerr(1,i),stmerr(2,i),stwidth(i),stwerr(1,i),stwerr(2,i) enddo elseif(ityp.eq.2)then write(lun,102) do i=1,nmxln2 if(idpdg(i).ne.0) write(lun,103) idpdg(i),pdname(i), 1 pdmass(i),pdmerr(1,i),pdmerr(2,i), 2 pdwidth(i),pdwerr(1,i),pdwerr(2,i) enddo else write(lnhout,*) ' PDGPRTB: Illegal table type, use 1 or 2 ' endif return 101 format(//20X,'Table of particles from PDG in StdHep format'// 1 6X,'IDHEP',2X,'NAME',23X,'MASS', 2 20X,'MASS ERROR',9X,'WIDTH',21X,'WIDTH ERROR') 102 format(//20X,'Table of particles from PDG in PDG format'// 1 6X,'IDPDG',2X,'NAME',9X,'CHARGES',7X,'MASS', 2 20X,'MASS ERROR',9X,'WIDTH',21X,'WIDTH ERROR') 103 format(1x, i10, 1x, a21, 1x, e25.16, 1x, 2e9.1, 1x, 1 e25.16, 1x, 2e9.1) end