subroutine STDDAUTR(IP,IDC,LYN) C...Is IDC a daughter of IP C C IP and IDC are indices to the HEPEVT common block C C LYN = true/false integer IP,IDC logical LYN integer ND,LSZ,J PARAMETER (LSZ = 1000) integer LD(LSZ) #include "" LYN = .FALSE. call STDDSCNDLST(IP,ND,LSZ,LD) if(ND.GT.0)then NL = MIN(ND,LSZ) do J = 1,NL if(LD(J).EQ.IDC) LYN = .TRUE. enddo endif if(ND.GT.LSZ) write(lnhout,1001) return 1001 format(' STDDAUTR: could not search entire daughter list', 1 ' (BUG in stdhep)') end