subroutine STDDAUTRLST(IP,NDAU,LSIZE,LDTR) C...Search the HEPEVT common block for the immediate daughters of IP C C IP = index to HEPEVT common block C NDAU = number of daughters found C LDTR(LSIZE) = list of daughters of IP integer IP,NDAU,LSIZE integer LDTR(LSIZE) #include "" #include "" NDAU = 0 JD1 = JDAHEP(1,IP) JD2 = JDAHEP(2,IP) if(JD1.LE.0)then C... no daughters elseif(JD1.GT.JD2)then C... just search the entire list do K=1,NHEP if(JMOHEP(1,K).EQ.IP) then NDAU = NDAU + 1 if(NDAU.LE.LSIZE) LDTR(NDAU) = K endif enddo else C... double check the immediate mother do K=JD1,JD2 if(JMOHEP(1,K).EQ.IP) then NDAU = NDAU + 1 if(NDAU.LE.LSIZE) LDTR(NDAU) = K endif enddo endif if(NDAU.GT.LSIZE) write(lnhout,1001) NDAU,LSIZE return 1001 format(' STDDAUTRLST: found ',I4, 1 ' daughters, but the list only allows ',I4) end