subroutine STDQQDCY(IT) C... decay particle IT via QQ and add the results to the HEPEVT common block C IT = index to HEPEVT common block IMPLICIT NONE #include "" #include "" #include "" #include "" #include "" #include "" #include "" #include "" double precision cfactor integer IT,J,IQQTYP integer qqtran external qqtran logical lfirst data lfirst/.TRUE./ c... convert picoseconds to mm for decay time data cfactor /0.299792458/ save lfirst, cfactor C...print version number if this is the first call if(lfirst)then call stdversn lfirst=.FALSE. endif IQQTYP = qqtran(IDHEP(IT),2) C...check for quarks and undefined particles if(IQQTYP.LE.0) GO TO 900 C...will QQ decay this particle? if(IPLIST(1,IQQTYP).GT.0)then C...Fill QQ common block /JET/ with information needed by DECADD IEVTQQ = NEVHEP call STDZEROQQ NVRTX = 1 NC = 0 N = 1 K(N,1) = 0 K(N,2) = IQQTYP do J=1,5 P(N,J) = PHEP(J,IT) enddo do J=1,3 XVTX(NVRTX,J) = VHEP(J,IT)/1000. enddo TVTX(NVRTX) = VHEP(4,IT)/cfactor RVTX(NVRTX) = SQRT(XVTX(NVRTX,1)**2 + XVTX(NVRTX,2)**2) ITRKIN(NVRTX) = 0 NTRKOU(NVRTX) = 0 ITRKOU(NVRTX) = 0 IVKODE(NVRTX) = 1 decay this track call DECADD C...add this information to the list call STDQQADD(IT) endif return 900 CONTINUE write(lnhout,1001) IDHEP(IT) 1001 format(' STDQQDCY: cannot decay particle ',I7,' in QQ') return end