subroutine stdquarklst(iq,nqrk,lsize,lqrk) C...Search the HEPEVT common block for all mesons and baryons with C...quark content IQ C C IQ = quark type C NQRK = number of particles with quark type IQ C LQRK(LSIZE) = list of particles with quark type IQ implicit none integer iq,nqrk,lsize integer lqrk(lsize) #include "" #include "" integer i,kq,kqa,kq1,kq2,kq3,kqx,kqj,kql,kqr nqrk = 0 do i=1,nhep kq=idhep(i) kqa=iabs(kq) if( then C...Subdivide standard ID code into constituent pieces. call stdquarks(i,kq1,kq2,kq3,kql,kqj,kqr,kqx) if( .or. .or. nqrk = nqrk + 1 if(nqrk.le.lsize) lqrk(nqrk) = i endif endif enddo if( write(lnhout,1001) nqrk,lsize return 1001 format(' stdquarklst: found ',i4, 1 ' particles, but the list only allows ',i4) end