subroutine STDROTBOOST(THE,PHI,BEX,BEY,BEZ) * * modified version of LUROBO from JETSET to work with STDHEP common block * Doug Wright, March 1994 * * replaced P(I,J) with PHEP(J,I) J=1-4 * replaced V(I,J) with VHEP(J,I) J=1-4 * * JETSET feature that is not supported: MSTU(33)=1 is used to set * the vertex to zero before boosting * C...Purpose: to perform rotations and boosts. IMPLICIT doUBLE PRECISION(D) *DMW COMMON/LUJETS/N,K(4000,5),P(4000,5),V(4000,5) *DMW COMMON/LUDAT1/MSTU(200),PARU(200),MSTJ(200),PARJ(200) *DMW save /LUJETS/,/LUDAT1/ #include "" #include "" DIMENSION ROT(3,3),PR(3),VR(3),DP(4),DV(4) C...Find range of rotation/boost. Convert boost to double precision. IMIN=1 *DMW if(MSTU(1).GT.0) IMIN=MSTU(1) IMAX=NHEP !DMW N *DMW if(MSTU(2).GT.0) IMAX=MSTU(2) DBX=BEX DBY=BEY DBZ=BEZ GOTO 110 C...Entry for specific range and double precision boost. ENTRY STDDBROTB(IMI,IMA,THE,PHI,DBEX,DBEY,DBEZ) !DMW IMIN=IMI if(IMIN.LE.0) IMIN=1 IMAX=IMA if(IMAX.LE.0) IMAX=NHEP !DMW N DBX=DBEX DBY=DBEY DBZ=DBEZ C...Optional resetting of V (when not set before.) *DMW if(MSTU(33).NE.0) then * do 100 I=MIN(IMIN,MSTU(4)),MIN(IMAX,MSTU(4)) * do 100 J=1,5 * 100 V(I,J)=0. * MSTU(33)=0 * endif 110 continue !DMW C...Check range of rotation/boost. *DMW 110 if(IMIN.GT.MSTU(4).OR.IMAX.GT.MSTU(4)) then * call pyerrm(11,'(LUROBO:) range outside LUJETS memory') * return * endif C...Rotate, typically from z axis to direction (theta,phi). if(THE**2+PHI**2.GT.1E-20) then ROT(1,1)=COS(THE)*COS(PHI) ROT(1,2)=-SIN(PHI) ROT(1,3)=SIN(THE)*COS(PHI) ROT(2,1)=COS(THE)*SIN(PHI) ROT(2,2)=COS(PHI) ROT(2,3)=SIN(THE)*SIN(PHI) ROT(3,1)=-SIN(THE) ROT(3,2)=0. ROT(3,3)=COS(THE) do 140 I=IMIN,IMAX *DMW if(K(I,1).LE.0) GOTO 140 if(ISTHEP(I).LE.0) GOTO 140 !DMW do 120 J=1,3 PR(J)=PHEP(J,I) 120 VR(J)=VHEP(J,I) do 130 J=1,3 PHEP(J,I)=ROT(J,1)*PR(1)+ROT(J,2)*PR(2)+ROT(J,3)*PR(3) 130 VHEP(J,I)=ROT(J,1)*VR(1)+ROT(J,2)*VR(2)+ROT(J,3)*VR(3) 140 CONTINUE endif C...Boost, typically from rest to momentum/energy=beta. if(DBX**2+DBY**2+DBZ**2.GT.1E-20) then DB=SQRT(DBX**2+DBY**2+DBZ**2) if(DB.GT.0.99999999D0) then C...Rescale boost vector if too close to unity. *DMW call pyerrm(3,'(LUROBO:) boost vector too large') write(lnhout,*) '(HEPROBO:) boost vector too large' DBX=DBX*(0.99999999D0/DB) DBY=DBY*(0.99999999D0/DB) DBZ=DBZ*(0.99999999D0/DB) DB=0.99999999D0 endif DGA=1D0/SQRT(1D0-DB**2) do 160 I=IMIN,IMAX *DMW if(K(I,1).LE.0) GOTO 160 if(ISTHEP(I).LE.0) GOTO 160 !DMW do 150 J=1,4 DP(J)=PHEP(J,I) 150 DV(J)=VHEP(J,I) DBP=DBX*DP(1)+DBY*DP(2)+DBZ*DP(3) DGABP=DGA*(DGA*DBP/(1D0+DGA)+DP(4)) PHEP(1,I)=DP(1)+DGABP*DBX PHEP(2,I)=DP(2)+DGABP*DBY PHEP(3,I)=DP(3)+DGABP*DBZ PHEP(4,I)=DGA*(DP(4)+DBP) DBV=DBX*DV(1)+DBY*DV(2)+DBZ*DV(3) DGABV=DGA*(DGA*DBV/(1D0+DGA)+DV(4)) VHEP(1,I)=DV(1)+DGABV*DBX VHEP(2,I)=DV(2)+DGABV*DBY VHEP(3,I)=DV(3)+DGABV*DBZ VHEP(4,I)=DGA*(DV(4)+DBV) 160 CONTINUE endif return end