subroutine stdvtxmatch(istd,nvtx) ************************************************************************ * * for use with HEP2GEANT * create a vertex list and find a match * call gsvert and keep a list of matching vertex numbers * return vertex number in list * * Nov. 1999 Lynn Garren * Jan. 1999 Paul Lebrun - improvements to the logic * * istd - index in HEPEVT common block * reset the list if istd=0 * nvtx - index in vertex list * ************************************************************************ implicit none #include "" #include "" integer MAXVTX parameter (MAXVTX=150) real vtx(3) double precision vtx_list(4,MAXVTX) integer nvtx, nvtx_list(MAXVTX), lvtx, i, istd, mvtx save lvtx, nvtx_list, vtx_list nvtx = 0 c reset the vertex list if( istd.eq.0 ) then lvtx = 0 return endif c set the initial list entry and call gsvert if( lvtx.eq.0 ) then lvtx = 1 do i=1,4 vtx_list(i,lvtx) = vhep(i,istd) enddo do i=1,3 vtx(i) = vhep(i,istd)/10. enddo call gsvert(vtx,0,0,0,0,nvtx) nvtx_list(lvtx) = nvtx endif c c search for matches c use differences rather than exact matches c mvtx = 0 do i=1,lvtx if(abs(vhep(1,istd) - vtx_list(1,i)) .lt. 0.0001 .and. 1 abs(vhep(2,istd) - vtx_list(2,i)) .lt. 0.0001 .and. 2 abs(vhep(3,istd) - vtx_list(3,i)) .lt. 0.0005 .and. 3 abs(vhep(4,istd) - vtx_list(4,i)) .lt. 0.0005 ) then mvtx = i endif enddo c no match - add this vertex to the list and call gsvert if( mvtx.eq.0 ) then lvtx = lvtx + 1 if( lvtx .gt. MAXVTX ) then write(lnhout,1001) lvtx = 1 endif mvtx = lvtx do i=1,4 vtx_list(i,lvtx) = vhep(i,istd) enddo do i=1,3 vtx(i) = vhep(i,istd)/10. enddo call gsvert(vtx,0,0,0,0,nvtx) nvtx_list(lvtx) = nvtx c found a match - just need the vertex number else nvtx = nvtx_list(mvtx) endif return 1001 format("STDVTXMATCH: too many vertices - overwriting the list") end