subroutine stdxrd(ilbl,istream,lok) C...Purpose: to read a buffer or an event from the standard common block. C C returns ilbl & lok C C ilbl = 1 - standard HEPEVT common block C ilbl = 2 - standard HEPEVT common block and HEPEV2 C ilbl = 100 - STDHEP begin run record C ilbl = 200 - STDHEP end run record C C lok = 0 if no problems were encountered C #include "" #include "" #include "" integer ilbl,lok,istream integer i,numblocks, blkids(50) integer xdr_stdhep, xdr_stdhep_multi, xdr_stdhep_cm1 external xdr_stdhep, xdr_stdhep_multi, xdr_stdhep_cm1 logical lfirst data lfirst/.TRUE./ save lfirst C...print version number if this is the first call if(lfirst)then call stdversn nstdrd = 0 lfirst=.FALSE. endif lok = 0 c...get the next xdr event if(mcfio_NextEvent(istream) .ne. MCFIO_RUNNING)then call mcfio_InfoStreamInt(istream,MCFIO_STATUS,istat) if(istat .eq. MCFIO_EOF) go to 800 go to 900 endif c...what blocks are in this event? call mcfio_InfoEventInt(istream,MCFIO_NUMBLOCKS,numblocks) call mcfio_InfoEventInt(istream,MCFIO_BLOCKIDS,blkids) do i=1,numblocks if(blkids(i).eq.MCFIO_STDHEP)then stdhep common call stdzero c...fill stdhep common if(mcfio_block(istream,MCFIO_STDHEP,xdr_stdhep) .eq. -1) 1 go to 700 ilbl = 1 call stdtcopy(2,istream,lok) if(lok.eq.0) nstdrd = nstdrd + 1 elseif(blkids(i).eq.MCFIO_STDHEPM)then stdhep common call stdzero c...fill stdhep common if(mcfio_block(istream,MCFIO_STDHEPM,xdr_stdhep_multi) 1 .eq. -1) go to 700 ilbl = 2 nstdrd = nstdrd + 1 elseif(blkids(i).eq.MCFIO_STDHEPBEG)then c...begin run event - fill stdcm1 common if(mcfio_block(istream,MCFIO_STDHEPBEG,xdr_stdhep_cm1) 1 .eq. -1) go to 700 ilbl = 100 elseif(blkids(i).eq.MCFIO_STDHEPEND)then c...end run event - fill stdcm1 common if(mcfio_block(istream,MCFIO_STDHEPEND,xdr_stdhep_cm1) 1 .eq. -1) go to 700 ilbl = 200 endif enddo return 700 write (lnhout,701) lok=1 return 800 write (lnhout,801) lok=1 return 900 write (lnhout,901) lok=2 stop 701 format(/5X,'STDXRD: unable to read xdr block') 801 format(/5X,'STDXRD: end of file found') 901 format(/5X,'STDXRD: unrecognized status - stop') end