subroutine stdxropen(filename,ntries,istream,lok) c c initialize xdr reading c implicit none #include "" #include "" integer istream,lok,ntries character*(*) filename character*255 date,title,comment integer dlen,tlen,clen integer numblocks, blkids(50) logical lfirst data lfirst/.TRUE./ save lfirst c c Initialization phase. c C...print version number if this is the first call if(lfirst)then call stdversn lfirst=.FALSE. endif lok = 0 istream = mcfio_OpenReadDirect(filename) if (istream .eq. -1) go to 900 call mcfio_InfoStreamChar(istream,MCFIO_CREATIONDATE,date,dlen) call mcfio_InfoStreamChar(istream,MCFIO_TITLE,title,tlen) call mcfio_InfoStreamChar(istream,MCFIO_COMMENT,comment,clen) call mcfio_InfoStreamInt(istream,MCFIO_NUMEVTS,ntries) call mcfio_InfoStreamInt(istream,MCFIO_NUMBLOCKS,numblocks) call mcfio_InfoStreamInt(istream,MCFIO_BLOCKIDS,blkids) write(lnhout,1001) istream,title(1:tlen),date(1:dlen), 1 comment(1:clen),ntries,numblocks return 900 continue write(lnhout,1002) lok = -1 stop 1001 format(/' STDXROPEN: successfully opened input stream ',i5/ 1 10x,'title: ',a60/ 2 10x,'date: ',a60/ 3 10x,a70/ 4 20x,i10,' events'/ 5 20x,i10,' blocks per event'/) 1002 format(' STDXROPEN: Cannot open input file, give up ') end