subroutine stdxwevt(ilbl,istream,lok) C...Purpose: to write an event from the standard common block. C C lok = 0 if no problems were encountered #include "" #include "" #include "" #include "" integer ilbl,lok,istream integer xdr_stdhep, xdr_stdhep_multi external xdr_stdhep, xdr_stdhep_multi lok=0 if(NHEP.LE.0)then write(lnhout,101) NEVHEP elseif(ilbl.eq.1)then call stdtcopy(1,istream,lok) if( go to 700 if(mcfio_block(istream, MCFIO_STDHEP, xdr_stdhep) 1 .eq. -1) go to 800 call mcfio_SetEventInfo(istream, MCFIO_STORENUMBER, nevhep) if(mcfio_NextEvent(istream) .eq. -1) go to 900 nstdwrt = nstdwrt + 1 elseif(ilbl.eq.2)then if(mcfio_block(istream, MCFIO_STDHEPM, xdr_stdhep_multi) 1 .eq. -1) go to 800 call mcfio_SetEventInfo(istream, MCFIO_STORENUMBER, nevhep) if(mcfio_NextEvent(istream) .eq. -1) go to 900 nstdwrt = nstdwrt + 1 endif return 700 write (lnhout,701) NEVHEP lok = 4 stop 800 write (lnhout,801) NEVHEP lok=2 stop 900 write (lnhout,901) NEVHEP lok=1 stop 101 format(/5X,'STDXWEVT: no particles to write in event',I8) 701 format(/5X,'STDXWEVT: error copying stdhep block for event ',I8) 801 format(/5X,'STDXWEVT: error filling stdhep block for event ',I8) 901 format(/5X,'STDXWEVT: error writing event ',I8) end