#ifndef ROOT_TMCFastPasrticle #define ROOT_TMCFastPasrticle //*-- Author : Paul Eugenio 15-Jan-99 //*-- CMZ : PME 15-Jan-99 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // TMCFastParticle MCFast Particle Class // // // // TMCFastParticle is a summary collection of both charged // and neutral particle smeared information // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "TObject.h" #include "TClonesArray.h" #include class TMCFastParticle: public TObject { private: Int_t ftype; // 0=neutral, 1=charged Int_t fstatus; // status (currently not used) Int_t fhepIndex; // position of corresp. track in HEPEVT list Int_t fidhep; // PDG MC id Int_t fq; // charge Double_t fpx; // four-momentum Double_t fpy; Double_t fpz; Double_t fE; Double_t fx; // vertex point-of-decay Double_t fy; Double_t fz; public: TMCFastParticle() { } virtual ~TMCFastParticle() ; Double_t GetPx() const {return fpx;} Double_t GetPy() const {return fpy;} Double_t GetPz() const {return fpz;} Double_t GetE() const {return fE;} Double_t GetX() const {return fx;} Double_t GetY() const {return fy;} Double_t GetZ() const {return fz;} Double_t GetCharge() const {return fq;} Int_t GetIdHep() const { return fidhep; } Int_t GetHepIndex() const { return fhepIndex; } Int_t GetType() const { return ftype; } void SetPx(Double_t x) { fpx=x;} void SetPy(Double_t x) { fpy=x;} void SetPz(Double_t x) { fpz=x;} void SetE(Double_t x) { fE=x;} void SetX(Double_t x) { fx=x;} void SetY(Double_t x) { fy=x;} void SetZ(Double_t x) { fz=x;} void SetCharge(Int_t q) { fq=q;} void SetIdHep(Int_t n) { fidhep=n; } void SetHepIndex(Int_t n) { fhepIndex=n; } void SetType(Int_t n) { ftype=n; } Double_t GetMass(); Double_t GetP(); void Print(ostream *os); ClassDef(TMCFastParticle,1) //Needed by ROOT }; ostream &operator<<(ostream &os,TMCFastParticle &particle); #endif