% BiBTeX Sample Database @Preamble{ {\hyphenation{Post-Script Sprin-ger}} } @String{AW = {{Ad\-di\-son-Wes\-ley}}} @String{AW:adr = {Reading, Massachusetts}} @String{j-TUGboat = {TUGboat}} W.-M.Yao et al. (Particle Data Group), J. Phys. G 33, 1 (2006) @Article{pdg, author = "Yao, W. -M. and others", collaboration = "Particle Data Group", title = "{Review of particle physics}", journal = "J. Phys.", volume = "G33", year = "2006", pages = "1-1232", doi = "10.1088/0954-3899/33/1/001", SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = JPHGB,G33,1;%%" } } @Book{leo, author = "Leo, W.R.", title = "Techniques for Nuclear and Particle Physics Experiments", publisher = "Springer-Verlag", address = "Berlin", year = "1994", note = "Second Revised Edition" } @Article{kilvington, author = "Kilvington, A.I. and Baker, C.A. and Illinesi, P.", title = "Reflective coverings for scintillation counters", journal = "Nucl. Instr. and Meth.", volume = "80", year = "1970", pages = "177-178" } @Article{kettenring, author = "Kettenring, G.", title = "Measurements of the reflectivities and absorption lengths at different wavelengths of plastic scintillator and acryglass", journal = "Nucl. Instr. and Meth.", volume = "131", year = "1975", pages = "451-456" } @Article{sno, author = "Boger, J. and others", title = "The Sudbury Neutrino Observatory", journal = "Nucl. Instr. and Meth.", volume = "172", year = "2000", pages = "172-207" } @unpublished{G0scint, author ="Breuer, H.", title ="Scintillation Light Collection Tests for the G0 Experiment", note ="http://www.npl.uiuc.edu/ftp/G0/docs/scinttest.txt", year ="2007" } @unpublished{GEANT3, author ="CERN Application Software Group, Computing and Networks Division", title ="GEANT Detector Description and Simulation Tool", note ="http://wwwasd.web.cern.ch/wwwasd/geant", year ="1993" } @unpublished{bfield, author ="Smith, E.S.", title ="Magnetic fields at location of detector pmts", note ="GlueX-doc-912", year ="2007" } @unpublished{outer_guides, author ="Smith, E.S.", title ="Light guide collection for the Bcal outer layers", note ="GlueX-doc-959", year ="2008" } @unpublished{segmentation, author ="Kolev, N. and others", title ="Dependence of the Spatial and Energy Resolution of BCAL on Segmentation", note ="GlueX-doc-659", year ="2008" } @unpublished{bcal_geometry, author ="Papandreou, Z.", title ="BCAL Geometry Specifications", note ="GlueX-doc-922", year ="2008" } @unpublished{reflection, author ="Cude, C. and others", title ="A Study of Transmission Efficiency of BCAL Light Guides", note ="GlueX-doc-656", year ="2006" } @manual{meade, title ="An important optional feature to optimize the performance of your Meade telescope", author ="Meade Ultra-High Transmission coatings (UHTC) Group", organization="Meade Instruments Corporation", year ="2006", note ="We use the value measured for Meade standard reflective coatings (0.85=$\sqrt{0.75}$), which they claim meet or exceed reflectivities offered by the commercial telescope industry. http://www.meade.com/catalog/uhtc " } @unpublished{wico, author ="Di Domenico, A.", title ="The {WICO Program for the Simulation of the Winston Cone Light Concentrator}", note ="WICO Program version 1.1, CERN long write-up", month ="May", year ="1994" }