% BiBTeX Sample Database @Preamble{ {\hyphenation{Post-Script Sprin-ger}} } @String{AW = {{Ad\-di\-son-Wes\-ley}}} @String{AW:adr = {Reading, Massachusetts}} @String{j-TUGboat = {TUGboat}} } @Book{wigmans, author = "Wigmans, R.", title = "Calorimetry Energy Measurement in Particle Physics", publisher = "Oxford University Press", address = "Oxford", year = "2000", note = "{Fig. 2.13}, International Series of Monographs on Physics 107" } @Article{pdg, author = "Nakamura, K. and others", title = "({Particle Data Group})", journal = "J. Phys. G", volume = "37", year = "2010", pages = "075021" } @Article{Leverington:2008zz, author = "Leverington, B. D. and others", title = "{Performance of the prototype module of the GlueX electromagnetic barrel calorimeter}", journal = "Nucl. Instrum. Meth.", volume = "A596", year = "2008", pages = "327-337", doi = "10.1016/j.nima.2008.08.137", SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = NUIMA,A596,327;%%" } @article{ctof:nim, author = "Baturin, V. and others", title = "{Time-of-flight resolution of scintillating counters with Burle 85001 microchannel plate photomultipliers in comparison with Hamamatsu R2083}", journal = "Nucl.Instrum.Meth.", volume = "A562", pages = "327-337", doi = "10.1016/j.nima.2006.02.201", year = "2006", eprint = "nucl-ex/0506020", archivePrefix = "arXiv", primaryClass = "nucl-ex", } @unpublished{ctof:fme, author ="Baturin, V. and others", title ="{TOF Resolution Measurements with the CLAS12 Central TOF Detector with Fine-Mesh Photomultiplier Tubes}", note ="{CLAS-NOTE 2011-005}", year ="2011" } @unpublished{fernando_arrays, author ="Barbosa, F.J.", title ="{The BCAL SiPM Array Readout}", note ="GlueX-doc-1795", year ="2011" } @unpublished{timing_3by3, author ="Barbosa, F.J. and others", title ="Time Resolution Measurements of 3x3 mm2 Silicon Photomultipliers", note ="GlueX-doc-1807", year ="2011" } @unpublished{mppc_manual, author ="Hamamatsu Corporation", title ="{Multi-Pixel Photon Counter, Application Notes}", note ="(Note: 2010 Version omits some of the descriptions in the earlier document)", month ="January", year ="2008" } @unpublished{first_article, author ="Barbosa, F. and others", title ="{Test Results for the 80 First Article Samples of the Hamamatsu Array}", note ="GlueX-doc-1777", year ="2011" } @unpublished{bcal_geometry, author ="Papandreou, Z.", title ="BCAL Geometry Specifications", note ="GlueX-doc-922", year ="2008" }