% BiBTeX Sample Database @Preamble{ {\hyphenation{Post-Script Sprin-ger}} } @String{AW = {{Ad\-di\-son-Wes\-ley}}} @String{AW:adr = {Reading, Massachusetts}} @String{j-TUGboat = {TUGboat}} } @Book{leo, author = "Leo, W.R.", title = "Techniques for Nuclear and Particle Physics Experiments", publisher = "Springer-Verlag", address = "Berlin", year = "1994", note = "Second Revised Edition" } @unpublished{semenov_sys, author ="Papandreou, Z. and Semenova, A.I. and Semenov, {A. Yu.}", title ="Analysis of Amplitude Information from 2006 BCAL Cosmics Runs", note ="GlueX-doc-845, {see Section 6 and Figure 19}", year ="2007" } @unpublished{richard_sys, author ="Jones, R.T.", title ="Infuence of Readout Non-uniformity on Resolution in a Calorimeter", note ="GlueX-doc-1012", year ="2008" } @unpublished{fluka, author ="Semenova, A.I. and Semenov, {A. Yu.}", title ="FLUKA2008.3. {Report on the simulation of BCAL signals and resolutions in preparation}", note ="See also references in GlueX-doc-845. Generated ntuple files used for study", year ="2009" } @unpublished{GEANT3, author ="CERN Application Software Group, Computing and Networks Division", title ="GEANT Detector Description and Simulation Tool", note ="http://wwwasd.web.cern.ch/wwwasd/geant", year ="1993" } @unpublished{outer_guides, author ="Smith, E.S.", title ="Light guide collection for the Bcal outer layers", note ="GlueX-doc-959", year ="2008" } @unpublished{bcal_guides, author ="Smith, E.S.", title ="Light collection for light guides for use with fine mesh PMTs for the Bcal readout", note ="GlueX-doc-1077", year ="2008" } @unpublished{bcal_geometry, author ="Papandreou, Z.", title ="BCAL Geometry Specifications", note ="GlueX-doc-922", year ="2008" } @unpublished{reflection, author ="Cude, C. and others", title ="A Study of Transmission Efficiency of {BCAL} Light Guides", note ="GlueX-doc-656", year ="2006" }