% BiBTeX Sample Database @Preamble{ {\hyphenation{Post-Script Sprin-ger}} } @String{AW = {{Ad\-di\-son-Wes\-ley}}} @String{AW:adr = {Reading, Massachusetts}} @String{j-TUGboat = {TUGboat}} } @unpublished{bcalreadout, author ="Smith, E.S.", title ="Specifications and Evaluation of Bcal Readout Options", year = "2008", month ="February", note ="GlueX-doc-795" } @unpublished{sensl, author ="{SensL, The Low Light Sensing Company}", title ="{080708\_GlueX}", year = "2008", month ="July", note ="Private communication" } @unpublished{sipm_review, author ="Zorn, C.", title ="Silicon Photomultipliers for the {GlueX} Barrel Calorimeter", year = "2008", month ="February", note ="GlueX-doc-961, p. 38 and 50" } @unpublished{microscope, author ={Senderovich, I. and Nettleton, C.R. and Jones, R.T.}, title ="Prototype Scintillating Fiber Tagger Microscope Design and Construction", pages ="18-19", year = "2008", month ="June", note ="GlueX-doc-1074, Figures 15-17" } @Article{Lightfoot:2008im, author = "Lightfoot, P. K. and Barker, G. J. and Mavrokoridis, K. and Ramachers, Y. A. and Spooner, N. J. C.", title = "{Characterisation of a silicon photomultiplier device for applications in liquid argon based neutrino physics and dark matter searches}", journal = "JINST", volume = "3", year = "2008", pages = "P10001", eprint = "0807.3220", archivePrefix = "arXiv", primaryClass = "physics.ins-det", doi = "10.1088/1748-0221/3/10/P10001", SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = 0807.3220;%%" } @Article{Atoian:2007up, author = "Atoian, G. S. and others", title = "{An Improved Shashlyk Calorimeter}", journal = "Nucl. Instrum. Meth.", volume = "A584", year = "2008", pages = "291-303", eprint = "0709.4514", archivePrefix = "arXiv", primaryClass = "physics.ins-det", doi = "10.1016/j.nima.2007.10.022", SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = 0709.4514;%%" } @unpublished{hamamatsu, author ="Hamamatsu Corporation, Solid State Division", title ="Multi-pixel Photon Counter -- {Compact opto-semiconductors with excellent photon counting capability}", year = "2008", month ="January", note="Section 3-4 Gain Characteristic" } @unpublished{garutti, author ="Garutti, E.", title ="Silicon-photomultiplier technology and their application in high energy physics detectors", year = "2006", note="DESY Seminar, Nov 22-23" } @unpublished{semenova, author ="Semenova, I.", title ="Maximal energy deposited in a single element", year = "2009", month ="March", note ="E-mail communication" } @unpublished{lightguides, author ="Smith, E.S.", title ="Light collection for light guides for use with fine mesh PMTs for the Bcal readout", year = "2008", month ="July", note ="GlueX-doc-1077" }