% BiBTeX Sample Database @Preamble{ {\hyphenation{Post-Script Sprin-ger}} } @String{AW = {{Ad\-di\-son-Wes\-ley}}} @String{AW:adr = {Reading, Massachusetts}} @String{j-TUGboat = {TUGboat}} @unpublished{solenoid_shorts, author ="Chudakov, E. and Smith, E.S.", title ="Calculations of inductances of solenoid and loop currents", year = "2010", month ="July", note ="GlueX-doc in preparation" } @unpublished{solenoid_shortsa, author ="Chudakov, E. and Smith, E.S.", title ="Preliminary evaluation of power dissipation in a single shorted solenoid loop", year = "2010", month ="June", note ="GlueX-doc-1548" } @manual{bnl_cryo1, title ="{Selected Cryogenic Data Notebook}", organization ="Brookhaven National Laboratory", address ="Compiled and Edited by J.E. Jensen, W.A. Tuttle, R.B. Stewart, H. Brechna, A.G. Prodell", year = "1980", month ="August", note ="{BNL 10200-R, Vol. 1, VII-B-2} " } @manual{bnl_cryo2, title ="{Selected Cryogenic Data Notebook}", organization ="Brookhaven National Laboratory", address ="Compiled and Edited by J.E. Jensen, W.A. Tuttle, R.B. Stewart, H. Brechna, A.G. Prodell", year = "1980", month ="August", note ="{BNL 10200-R, Vol. 1, VII-B-3} " } @manual{bnl_cryo3, title ="{Selected Cryogenic Data Notebook}", organization ="Brookhaven National Laboratory", address ="Compiled and Edited by J.E. Jensen, W.A. Tuttle, R.B. Stewart, H. Brechna, A.G. Prodell", year = "1980", month ="August", note ="{BNL 10200-R, Vol. 1, XV-B-2} " } @Article{bottura, author = "Bottura, L.", title = "{A Practical Fit for the Critical Surface of NbTi}", journal = "{IEEE Trans. App. Supercond.}", volume = "vol. 10", year = "2000", pages = "1054-1057" } @Book{vansciver, author = "Van Sciver, S.W.", title = "{Helium Cryogenics}", publisher = "{Plenum Press}", address = "{New York}", year = "1986", note = "{International Cryogenics Monograph Series, IBSN 0-306-42335-9}" } @unpublished{alcorn1, author ="Alcorn, J.", title ="{Actual Conductor Configuration and performance (Leith Solenoid)}", note ="Log Book, June 2", year ="1972" }