%% This BibTeX bibliography file was created using BibDesk. %% http://bibdesk.sourceforge.net/ %% Created for Zisis Papandreou at 2012-07-13 09:43:23 -0600 %% Saved with string encoding Unicode (UTF-8) @book{Rossi:1952, Address = {Englewood Cliffs, NJ}, Author = {Rossi, B.}, Date-Added = {2012-07-13 15:41:47 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-07-13 15:43:23 +0000}, Publisher = {{Prentice-Hall Inc.}}, Series = {{International Series of Monographs on Physics}}, Title = {{High Energy Particles}}, Year = {1952}} @book{Fruhwirth:2000:book, Author = {R. Fruhwirth and others}, Publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, Title = {Data Analysis Techniques for High-Energy Physics}, Year = {2000}} @book{Wigmans:2000vf, Author = {Wigmans, R.}, Publisher = {{Oxford University Press}}, Series = {{International Series of Monographs on Physics}}, Title = {{Calorimetry: Energy measurement in particle physics}}, Volume = {107}, Year = {2000}}