%% Bib file started for JLab Drawings, Procedures and Specifications @techreport{jlabD000000107P003, Author = {J.~Fochtman}, Institution = {Jefferson Lab}, Month = jun, Note = {\url{https://misportal.jlab.org/jlabDocs/document.seam?id=75344}}, Type = {Procedure}, Number = {D00000-01-07-P003}, Title = {{BCAL Light Guide Installation and Rework}}, Year = 2013} @techreport{jlabD0000001071000, Author = {J.~Lagner}, Institution = {Jefferson Lab}, Month = apr, Note = {\url{https://misportal.jlab.org/jlabDocs/document.seam?id=65967}}, Type = {Drawing}, Number = {D00000-01-07-1000}, Title = {{Hall D GlueX Detector Barrel Calorimeter Sub-Assembly}}, Year = 2009} @techreport{jlabD0000001072057, Author = {C.~Hutton}, Institution = {Jefferson Lab}, Month = mar, Note = {\url{https://misportal.jlab.org/jlabDocs/document.seam?id=69828}}, Type = {Drawing}, Number = {D00000-01-07-2057}, Title = {{Hall D GlueX Barrel Detector Light Guide A}}, Year = 2012} @techreport{jlabD0000001072058, Author = {C.~Hutton}, Institution = {Jefferson Lab}, Month = mar, Note = {\url{https://misportal.jlab.org/jlabDocs/document.seam?id=69829}}, Type = {Drawing}, Number = {D00000-01-07-2058}, Title = {{Hall D GlueX Barrel Detector Light Guide B}}, Year = 2012} @techreport{jlabD0000001072059, Author = {C.~Hutton}, Institution = {Jefferson Lab}, Month = mar, Note = {\url{https://misportal.jlab.org/jlabDocs/document.seam?id=69830}}, Type = {Drawing}, Number = {D00000-01-07-2059}, Title = {{Hall D GlueX Barrel Detector Light Guide C}}, Year = 2012} @techreport{jlabD0000001072060, Author = {C.~Hutton}, Institution = {Jefferson Lab}, Month = mar, Note = {\url{https://misportal.jlab.org/jlabDocs/document.seam?id=69831}}, Type = {Drawing}, Number = {D00000-01-07-2060}, Title = {{Hall D GlueX Barrel Detector Light Guide D}}, Year = 2012} @techreport{jlabD0000001072061, Author = {C.~Hutton}, Institution = {Jefferson Lab}, Month = mar, Note = {\url{https://misportal.jlab.org/jlabDocs/document.seam?id=69832}}, Type = {Drawing}, Number = {D00000-01-07-2061}, Title = {{Hall D GlueX Barrel Detector Light Guide E}}, Year = 2012} @techreport{jlabD0000001072062, Author = {C.~Hutton}, Institution = {Jefferson Lab}, Month = mar, Note = {\url{https://misportal.jlab.org/jlabDocs/document.seam?id=69833}}, Type = {Drawing}, Number = {D00000-01-07-2062}, Title = {{Hall D GlueX Barrel Detector Light Guide F}}, Year = 2012} @techreport{jlabD0000001072063, Author = {C.~Hutton}, Institution = {Jefferson Lab}, Month = mar, Note = {\url{https://misportal.jlab.org/jlabDocs/document.seam?id=69834}}, Type = {Drawing}, Number = {D00000-01-07-2063}, Title = {{Hall D GlueX Barrel Detector Light Guide G}}, Year = 2012} @techreport{jlabD0000001072064, Author = {C.~Hutton}, Institution = {Jefferson Lab}, Month = mar, Note = {\url{https://misportal.jlab.org/jlabDocs/document.seam?id=69835}}, Type = {Drawing}, Number = {D00000-01-07-2064}, Title = {{Hall D GlueX Barrel Detector Light Guide H}}, Year = 2012} @techreport{jlabD0000001072065, Author = {C.~Hutton}, Institution = {Jefferson Lab}, Month = mar, Note = {\url{https://misportal.jlab.org/jlabDocs/document.seam?id=69836}}, Type = {Drawing}, Number = {D00000-01-07-2065}, Title = {{Hall D GlueX Barrel Detector Light Guide J}}, Year = 2012} @techreport{jlabD0000001072066, Author = {C.~Hutton}, Institution = {Jefferson Lab}, Month = mar, Note = {\url{https://misportal.jlab.org/jlabDocs/document.seam?id=69837}}, Type = {Drawing}, Number = {D00000-01-07-2066}, Title = {{Hall D GlueX Barrel Detector Light Guide K}}, Year = 2012} @techreport{pansophyHallD, Author = {E.S.~Smith}, Institution = {Jefferson Lab}, Month = feb, Note = {\url{https://pansophy.jlab.org/pansophy/Travelers/TRAVELER_INDEX.cfm?project=GEV12&area=GEV12&system=HALLD}}, Type = {Traveler}, Number = {GEV12-HALLD-BCAL-GUIDES}, Title = {{Procedure for Gluing Light Guides onto Bcal modules}}, Year = 2013} @techreport{jlabD000000000S006, Author = {E.~Chudakov and others}, Institution = {Jefferson Lab}, Month = may, Note = {\url{https://misportal.jlab.org/jlabDocs/document.seam?id=79548}}, Type = {Specification}, Number = {D00000-00-00-S006}, Title = {{Summary of Hall D Subsystems}}, Year = 2013} @techreport{jlabD000000107S004, Author = {E.S.~Smith}, Institution = {Jefferson Lab}, Month = jun, Note = {\url{https://misportal.jlab.org/jlabDocs/document.seam?id=70738}}, Type = {Specification}, Number = {D00000-01-07-S004 Rev-B}, Title = {{Hall D BCAL Readout: Silicon Photomultiplier Array Specification}}, Year = 2012} @techreport{jlabD000000107S001, Author = {E.S.~Smith}, Institution = {Jefferson Lab}, Month = may, Note = {\url{https://misportal.jlab.org/jlabDocs/document.seam?id=70607}}, Type = {Specification}, Number = {D00000-01-07-S001 Rev-A}, Title = {{Scintillation Fibers for the Barrel Calorimeter}}, Year = 2008}