%% This BibTeX bibliography file was created using BibDesk. %% http://bibdesk.sourceforge.net/ %% Created for Zisis Papandreou at 2012-09-27 10:30:35 -0600 %% Saved with string encoding Unicode (UTF-8) @techreport{Berger:1964, Address = {NASA, Washington, DC}, Author = {Berger, M.J and Seltzer, S.M.}, Date-Added = {2012-04-30 08:37:53 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-04-30 08:40:34 +0000}, Title = {{Tables of energy losses and ranges of electrons and positrons}}, Year = {1964}} @article{achenbach:2003, Author = {Achenbach, C.P.}, Date-Added = {2012-04-30 08:27:27 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2012-04-30 08:45:23 +0000}, Journal = {arXiv:nucle-ex}, Volume = {0404008v1}, Year = {2004}} @techreport{chungYellow, Author = {S.U. Chung}, Institution = {Brookhaven National Lab.}, Month = mar, Note = {Lectures given in the {Academic Training Program of CERN 1969-1970}}, Number = {CERN Report 71-8}, Title = {Spin Formalisms}, Year = {1971}} @techreport{Aston:1986lass, Address = {Stanford, CA}, Author = {Aston, D and Awaji, N and Bird, L and Blockus, D and Carnegie, R K and D'Amore, J and Dunwoodie, W M and Durkin, S and Endorf, R and Estabrooks, P G and Fieguth, T H and Fujii, K and Gilchriese, M G D and Gravina, M F and Hanerfeld, H and Hayashii, H and Hemingway, Richard J and Honma, A K and Hutchinson, D and Iwata, S and Johnson, W B and Kajikawa, R and Kilert, A and Kunz, P F and Leith, D W G S and Levinson, L J and Madansky, L and Marshall, M and Matsui, T and McKee, R and McKillan, R and McShurley, D G and Meadows, B T and Meyer, W T and Miyamoto, A and Nussbaum, M and Nuttall, A and Oakham, G K and Oxoby, G and Ozaki, H and Pak, C O and Pevsner, A and Ratcliff, B N and Richter, R H and Scheid, J A and Schultz, D and Shapiro, S and Shimomura, T and Sinervo, P K and Sugiyama, A and Suzuki, S and Tarnopolsky, G J and Tauchi, T and Ukai, K and Vavra, J and Waite, A and Walsh, W and Williams, S H and Woody, C}, Institution = {SLAC}, Note = {Copies available from the SLAC publications office, at {\url{http://www.slac.stanford.edu/pubs/}}}, Number = {SLAC-298}, Title = {{The LASS spectrometer}}, Year = {1986}} @techreport{Antonelli, Author = {A. Antonelli \emph{et al.}}, Institution = {Frascati}, Number = {LNF-91-073-P}, Title = {{A Pb SciFi EM calorimeter for an experiment on CP violation at DAPHNE}}, Year = 1991} @article{Ratcliff:1992hd, Author = {Ratcliff, Blair}, Journal = {AIP Conf.Proc.}, Pages = {1889-1896}, Title = {{The B factory detector for PEP-II: A Status report}}, Volume = {272}, Year = {1993}} @misc{Barton:1994rw, Author = {Barton, Don and others}, Howpublished = {{BNL-PROPOSAL-850}}, Month = {Oct}, Note = {EVA Collaboration}, Title = {{Color transparency with EVA: Request of extension of experiment 850}}, Year = {1994}} @misc{Gelhad, Author = {Art Snyder}, Note = {{\url{http://www.slac.stanford.edu/BFROOT/www/Computing/Offline/Simulation/gelhad.html}}}, Title = {{GELHAD in BBSIM: generator for hadronic interactions of electro-magnetic particles}}, Year = {1995}} @techreport{Atlas-TDR-muon:1997fv, Collaboration = {ATLAS}, Note = {{Chapter 6}}, Number = {{CERN-LHCC-97-22, ATLAS-TDR-10}}, Title = {{ATLAS muon spectrometer: Technical design report}}, Year = {1997}} @techreport{csc-phenix, Author = {{\it PHENIX Collaboration}}, Institution = {BNL}, Note = {{PHENIX Internal Note}}, Number = {PN125}, Title = {{Cathode Strip Chamber for Phenix}}} @techreport{Benesch:2000tn00-011, Author = {J.~Benesch}, Institution = {Jefferson Lab.}, Number = {JLab TN 00-011}, Title = {{HallD Preliminary Optics Design}}, Year = 2000} @misc{bird01, Author = {Ian Bird and others}, Month = oct, Note = {{PPDG documentation. \url{http://www.ppdg.net/docs/documents_and_information.htm\#Reports}}}, Title = {{Common Storage Resource Manager Operations version 1.0}}, Year = 2001} @article{Fisher:2001hv, Archiveprefix = {arXiv}, Author = {Fisher, Alan S.}, Eprint = {physics/0104044}, Pages = {MO-04}, Primaryclass = {physics}, Title = {{Status report and future plans for the PEP-II B factory}}, Year = {2001}} @techreport{Keller:1993rd, Author = {Keller, L.P.}, Institution = {SLAC}, Number = {SLAC-PUB-6385}, Title = {{Muon background in a 1-TeV linear collider}}, Year = {1993}}